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"So, when are you going to ask me?" Evyaan asked, and the people behind seemed interested in the conversation

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"So, when are you going to ask me?" Evyaan asked, and the people behind seemed interested in the conversation.

I threw a questionable look at him, but he didn't budge. My heartbeat raced at the thought of asking Evyaan and seeing him like that. To add to my trembling, his shirt only had five buttons. God, why is he doing this?

Isha's eyebrows furrowed with confusion too, "What do you mean, Evyaan? We're not supposed to ask within the group, are we?" Isha asked, almost making it sound amusing.

"There's no rule like that, Samayara. Ask me," he insisted, shifting his gaze to me, sending shivers down my spine.


"Heyy, Evyaan, long time no see," the guy Isha had wanted to approach interrupted, stepping towards him.

"Hey, Rohan," Evyaan replied in a neutral yet annoyed tone.

"Sorry, not sorry for eavesdropping, but why are you asking her to ask you? And what is it?" he inquired, offering me a polite smile. I reciprocated.

"It's a dare," Evyaan replied, removing his hands from his shoulder.

"Interesting," the guy remarked, making the situation more awkward as his friends also joined him. Despite knowing Isha was with me, the presence of so many tall figures made me tremble a little. I took a deep breath, attempting to shake off the feeling, and Evyaan seemed to notice as he stepped closer, urging me again.

"Ask me, Samayara," he muttered.

"Bro, at least tell me what's going on," the guy interrupted once more. Evyaan pulled him closer by ruthlessly grabbing his shirt and whispered something in his ears before pushing him away.

He stumbled before he regained his posture. He smirked at us before leaving with his friends.

"Evyaan, you don't have to do-" i suggested as the other guy, Rohan was walking away.

"Just ask me, Samayara, and I'll do anything," he said roughly, ruffling his hair in frustration. Isha signaled me to ask him, as she disappeared, joining the guys who were leaving.

"Can you... open the five buttons on your shirt, Evyaan?" I asked, avoiding his gaze as I felt too intimidated to look him in the eye.

"Gladly," he replied, his tone teasing.

"Is this fine?" he inquired, tilting his neck down to meet my gaze. I attempted to look up at him, but instead, my eyes got struck somewhere else, his body, it's... It's just as beautiful as him, his well-toned and his perfectly arranged ribs almost looking like an animation character but instead, he was real.

Everything was real.

I caught a breath I was holding since I didn't know when. My eyes unable to move past his body.

'This is wrong, Myra,' the voice in my head screamed, but my eyes disobeyed it like never.

"I know I'm built beautifully, and you can stare all you want, but I think we should head back, Samayara," Evyaan's voice, laced with tease, brought me back.

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