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"Bite your tongue, Evyaan," she said, her tone tinged with anger

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"Bite your tongue, Evyaan," she said, her tone tinged with anger. It was the first time I had seen her like this, and oddly enough, even in her anger, she looked adorable. She then directed Kiaan to do the same, and he complied without hesitation.

"Evyaan," she addressed me, her gaze stern.

"Okay, ma'am," I replied, obediently biting my tongue. Her smile and nod of approval afterward somehow made the scolding worth it.

"So, let's go over the rules again. No matter what happens, the three of us stick together. I know we don't have another female companion, but you can freely confide in me if needed, I understand most things," I explained, turning to Samayara.

A pink tint appeared on her wheatish skin, resembling the way flowers bloom. It felt like I just witnessed something beautiful, and the flush added more allure to her already irresistible smile.

"Okay," she smiled shyly.

"Done with your speech?" Kiaan interjected, unable to contain his excitement.

"Samayara, I don't know about him, but with me, you're definitely in good hands," Kiaan said, reaching for her hand, clearly trying to provoke a reaction from me. I fought to keep my emotions in check, even though I wanted to beat him up for this.

Samayara reciprocated with a high-five, first to Kiaan, then to me. Her small, delicate palms felt incredibly soft against mine.

"Oh, I forgot to mention the most important thing," I added, noticing their waning interest.

"Let's have a lot of fun!" I declared, and their enthusiasm instantly reignited.

"So, how are we feeling?" Kiaan asked with same enthusiasm even after two hours of trekking.

"GREAT!" we both exclaimed, matching his energy.

As we strolled alongside Samayara, filming videos while Kiaan snapped photos from every possible angle, I found myself, unintentionally photobombing in most of them.

"Take it from this angle," Kiaan instructed, adjusting the camera while holding Samayara's hand. Seeing her struggle to grasp the instructions made me uneasy, so I gently took the camera from her. We then took numerous pictures together and captured several solo shots of Kiaan.

"Let's take a break," Kiaan proposed, spotting a group settling down under a nearby tree. I glanced at Samayara, who seemed to agree.

"Sure, but not for too long," I replied. We settled down and refreshed ourselves with some water. Kiaan then offered us some coffee cookies.

"These are delicious, where did you get them?" Samayara inquired, taking another bite from her cookie.

"My dad owns Malhotra Grandeur," he said casually, as though it were no big deal. Samayara's face flushed with a mix of astonishment and intrigue, her eyes widening in shock.

"As in... the whole brand?" she asked, her voice trembling slightly with disbelief and excitement.

"Yeah, what else? This is from the new bakery, which is yet to open and is very exclusively available. It's a project my sister handled," he proudly explained.

"Oh, what is this bakery called?" I inquired since he mentioned it's exclusively available. Vedika Di might know about it.

"it's called ArtisticAppetite," he said with a casual shrug. Samayara's eyes went wide.

"Wait, so you're from THE MALHOTRA'S FAMILY, the real Regals?" she asked, her voice full of surprise and excitement as she gulped down the cookie down.

"I thought my handsome face explained it," he flirtatiously remarked, glancing at me above her head.

I clenched my teeth, and he just scoffed it off. I looked at Samayara, who was cleaning her hands and about to stand up ignoring his comment.

"I can't finish this huge cookie, help me, Samayara," I lied I wanted her to have it more as she liked it so much, I asked her breaking my cookie in more than half and handing it to her. She hesitated but took it after a moment of thought.

"Please tell them it's delicious," she said, and Kiaan nodded.

"You know I have more if you want more; you don't have to share," he added, glancing towards me.

"I don't feel like eating anything yet, I had a heavy breakfast," I replied, forcing a clearly fake smile, which Kiaan acknowledged.

"Okay, lover boy," he whispered to me, and I retaliated by giving his back a hard slap.

We resumed hiking, and our guide began explaining the flora and fauna of the mountain. It was a truly majestic experience, and I savored every moment, absorbing the small pieces of information that made the mountain feel magical.

"So, this is the famous river known for its heavy flow and beautiful, very rare water creatures," the guide explained. We observed the high shorelines covered in huge rocks, illustrating the rapid flow of the river. The sound was soothing, and we captured a bundle of pictures before moving on. We spent a good 30 minutes there before continuing our climb. Despite the fatigue evident in most students around us, Samayara appeared full of energy.

"Do you like nature?" I asked, catching my breath as Samayara and Kiaan walked ahead of me.

"Love it," she replied, breathing unevenly. We explored rough and sloppy paths, reaching halfway to the mountain peak.

"From here, the river has the most forceful flow," the guide announced. The sound of the water was no longer soothing but a roaring force. A student asked if they could play in the river, but the guide refused, explaining its danger. We moved past it, and the guide introduced us to more flowers and trees, each beautiful in its own way. I loved every moment of it.

"It's amazing, right?" Samayara said, echoing my thoughts aloud.

"It is," I replied, and she smiled at me. "I think we will reach our destination—"

I was interrupted when I saw Kiaan suddenly bolting towards the forest near the river's shoreline.

"Kiaan!" I screamed, a mix of confusion and terror gripping me, but he was too far to hear. I glanced at Samayara, who quickly informed the group behind us, and together we sprinted after him. No matter what, the three of us shouldn't be separated. Kiaan had broken the rule, and I was determined to give him a piece of my mind for this.

"Kiaan!" Samayara's voice rang out from a distance, but he didn't even glance back. He began climbing a massive rock.

"Kiaan, what's going on?" she asked, panting to catch her breath. I hurried to catch up with him just as he was about to climb the rock.

Kiaan took off his backpack before jumping into the roaring river.

I hope y'all will like this. please don't forget to vote and comment and do let me know your thoughts on this chapter🔮

SKYLINE SERENADES Copyright ©2023 by ERIAWELSHORCHIDS. Plagiarism is illegal. Any copying or publishing without permission is prohibited. The book is based on the author's imagination and any resemblance to actual people or events is coincidental.

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