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Yn was looking down only..

Suzy: answer me!!!

Aria: calm down Suzy, she is pregnant we should be careful...

Suzy: why would we be careful Unnie?? It's her mistake, she herself is a mistake. How can she be so irresponsible when she knows that her fans are toxic and still..

Aria: Suzy keep yourself calm..

Suzy: ok i will, firstly tell me any solution to this..

Aria: don't worry we will reveal that she is dating...

Suzy: are you serious?? I don't want my career to get destroyed just because of her mistake. I was warning her from the day one that he is using you yn, now what is guarantee that he will accept this baby...

Yn: stop saying bullshit Suzy, just think before you speak..

Suzy: he is a play boy ..

Yn: SHUT UP...

Suzy slapped her...

Aria pushed Suzy and holds yn...

Aria: Suzy are you out of your mind?don't you know that she pregnant??

Suzy: oh so now this is also my mistake?? She is the problem here not me, she always stole everything which I want..

Mia: Unnie...

Suzy: shut up!! She is a garbage, how can they give her main dancer position then jimin and jaehyun both loves her. Many idols have crush on her and everyone always care about her why??? Am i invisible to them?? Jimin I liked him even before yn met him, i saw him with our previous ceo and since then I made it in my mind that he belongs to me...

Yn looked at her ..

Suzy: but he liked this slut, now she is also pregnant by his baby what I do?? Just because she will leave the group,we will get seperated then what about my career??

Aria: Suzy!!

Suzy: shut up!!! You yn, you are the main problem here i will make it sure that you regret getting in my path....

Suzy left from there in anger...

Yn blinked her eyes, she never ever in her life thought that Suzy whom she thought is her bestie and best leader is actually the one who is planning to destroy her....

Aria: yn ignore her, she is our of her mind...

Mia: yes Unnie, she is not the Suzy we know...

Aria: keep yourself cool, do jimin knows that you are pregnant??

She shook her head...

Aria: it's ok get fresh, let's go to company you can tell him everything there ..

Yn nodded..

She took a shower to calm herself down and changed her clothes into very comfortable one...

Afterwards, they three come to the company and went to jimin's cabin...

Hearing that yn with her group members is here to meet him, jimin allowed them to come ...

They three entered in and sat in front of him...

Jimin: hi girls is everything alright?? Yn why are you looking low??

Yn took a deep breath..

Yn: jimin i want to tell you something..

Jimin: yes...

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