Chapter 9: Noctura

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"what are you doing here little Sun elf, you should have stayed in the dungeons you know," the man who brought me here on the first night slurred his words. He was clearly drunk, and I was not armed. The brothers cuffed me tonight, I was without magic or a weapon. Fuck. "Come here little girl." He lunged forward, I tried to side step him but he was faster. Even while drunk this far man was highly trained. "Leave me, I am The God Silva's prisoner." He cocked a brow and laughed.

"You're not going anywhere, you will be nothing when the Gods are done with you. You could say I'm doing you a favour." he dug his fingers in to my flesh, pulling me closer to him. He smashed my face into his armoured chest. Pain shot through my head and I felt a little dizzy. "You smell so good, you know. I would have fucked you the night I got you if it wasn't for that fucking shadow." His cow piss ale breath whispered in my ear, spit landing on my face.

I turned around and pushed him away with all my strength and tried running as fast as I could towards the edge of the tent grounds. He called after me, the sounds of his clanking metal getting closer and closer. I thought I would get away but another sharp pain ran through my head and I fell to the ground. I clutched my head in my hand, screaming as my ears started ringing. Something wrapped around my hair and started pulling my, I screamed louder, for help, for anyone. But no one came as he pulled me in to the tent nearest to us. He slammed me into the ground, his one hand holding my hands above my head and his other one sneaking in between my thighs. He cupped me between my thighs, I yelled and thrashed around but his grip on me didn't loosen. Fuck! What do I do! I gathered my saliva and spat it right in his face. He pulled away from me, slapping me so hard I could feel a tooth break, when my head hit the ground I felt a gut wrenching pain through my leg, the pain was to much. I would pass out soon.

'Fight girl!'

I don't know if I was imaging things but a animalistic female voice rang out over the darkness starting to take hold of my consciousness. When I opened my eyes, I watches in horror as my legs bone stuck out though my flesh. Bile threatened to rise but before I could even puke I watched as the man's metal shoe kicked me in the stomach, he bent down and clutched his hands around my throat, my strangled scream rang through the air. It was loud and horribly raw. I was going to die.

When I saw his clenched fist heading for my face I closed my eyes letting unconsciousness over take me, getting ready to accept death, and just before my vision went black. The same voice rang out again 'No you will not'

As I slowly emerged from the depths of unconsciousness, the remnants of the nightmare still clinging to the edges of my mind like cobwebs. Was it only a nightmare? No it was very real. My body felt heavy, every movement sending waves of pain rippling through me, a stark reminder of the ordeal I had endured. Blinking against the harsh moon light filtering through the infirmary windows, I took in my surroundings with bleary eyes. The familiar scent cinnamon, lavender and sandalwood filled the air. It mixed with the infirmary herbs and healing potions, mingling with the metallic tang of blood—a scent that had become all too familiar in recent days.

As my gaze swept over the room, I caught sight of the massive bed I lay upon, its surface adorned with the hulking forms of wolves, I knew it was the brothers, I could feel them. Their wolfish bodies curled protectively around me. Silva's fur, sleek and pristine, under the dried blood and dirt, while Lumin's golden hair shimmered with dirt. Atlas had dried blood all over the underside of his stomach, did he lay in blood?

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