Word Info:

31 6 4

Magic Classes/Rank:

A : High enough to become a Magic Knight.
B : High enough to enter an adventures guild to kill D rank monsters.
C : High enough to enter an adventures guild to easy jobs for the city.
D : Lowest rank of magic user, can use magic for daily tasks.

Magic types: Earth, Water, Fire, Wind, Shadow, and Light. Fae only have the affinity for 2 magic types and 3 if you are very powerful.

Magic Knight: Protectors of Bloom.

Cosmic touch: Wielder of a soul blade.

Nightwing: A bonded creature. They are vicious and massive.

Ichor: Blood of the First Gods. Gold

Ambrosia: Blood of The Second Gods/Children of the Gods. Black.

Nectar: A Drink of the Gods (Said to induce an animal lust in humans/fae)

Infernuim: The only metal known to be able to kill a God, if they are stabbed in the heart or their head gets severed by it. Burns them to the touch just as iron does to the fae.

Moonbeam: A flower that blooms during a full moon, poison. Induces death on dragonborn and madness on fae.

Creators: They existed before anything and everything. They birthed the first divine and humans.

Devine: Gods and Goddess created by The Creators to look after the realms.


Earth: Where humans and other magical beings live in a magical world. Two continents, Bloom and Odeon. Primal waters.


Blood Forest: A magical and evil place.

Gentain Forest: Forest outsider of Angelonia splitting human territory and fae territory.

Angelonia: Capital City of Bloom, where different races of the Sun Elven kind live in harmony, ruled by the Sun Court.

Dune: The dessert Elven used to call this waste landed its home until fifty years ago when the whole city was lost to the sands. The Earth court used to rule over Dunes people.

Violet Capital: Humans call this city their home, living peacefully amongst fae kind. Ruled by an old human kind named Johnson Ruby.

Gentain mountain: The Cat people of Gentain call this dangerous mountain their home. They don't often leave, and no one ventures there, for no one ever returns.

Astrum: The city clouded in darkness, known as the city of the moons.

Fae Courts: Bloom

Sun Court: The Rulers of the Sun Elven
Moon Court: The Rulers of The Moon Elven
Earth Court: The rules of The Earth Elven


Ilumian: Humans call this city their home and live peacefully amongst fae kind. Ruled by the human Crimson Empire.

Aqualona: Humans and sirens call this city home. Ruled by the Val-Heir family.

Nymph forest: Forest elven kind call this their home. Ruled by the Wind Court.

Never Islands: Rules by human mages.

Neca: Dessert Island where fae are not welcome. Ruled by a human mage family named Serpents.

Luminara: Mountain of crystal that glitters in the sun but turns a pure deathly black at night.

Fae Courts:
Wind Court: The rulers of Forest Elven.
Water Court: The rulers of The Water Elven.

Cosmic realm:

Galexia: Ruled by Atlas, Son of Kronos. A city on a meteor floating through the cosmic realm.

The Divine Realm: The home of the Gods and their place the rule over.

1. **Clesire**: Ruled by Solara, the eldest of the siblings, she rules over dawn when night becomes day.

2. **Valkyrie**: Ruled by Lumin, the oldest of the siblings, he rules over daytime.

3. **Twilight**: Ruled by North, the third sibling, she rules over the Northern lights.

4. **Duskfall**: Ruled by Soleil, the youngest sibling, he he rules over the dusk when day becomes night.

The underworld Domains:

1. **Devilfell**: Once ruled by The Demon God Tsa, Third Born Son of the Goddess Nox, he is known as the ultimate betrayer of the realms. Currently, without a ruler, it was put under the control of Silva before the banishment.

2. **Tartarus**: King Hellion, the Second born son of Goddess Nox, rules over the prison of the underworld and makes sure they don't escape.

3. **Oneiria**: King Silva First born son of the Goddess Nox rules over the dream domain of the underworld.

4. **Fangoria**: Queen Lilith First daughter of the Goddess Nox rules over the beast domain of the underworld.

5. **Erosia**: King Ravos Fourth, born son of Goddess Nox, rules over the lust domain of the underworld.

6. **Tranquilis**: King Soulus Fifth, born son of the Goddess Nox, rules over the soul domain of the underworld.

7. **Valentia**: Currently, no ruler.

The Gods:

Nox & Lux: The twin Goddess. Moon and Sun. Nox the Goddess of the Darkness, Love and Magic. Lux the Goddess of the Light, Fertility, The Mother Goddess.

Arceus: The Father God, God of Might and War.
Estrix: Goddess of the Primal Waters.
Ilenta: Goddess of the Fae.
Valtion: God of the sky.
Kronos: God of time.
Aurelia: Goddess of Beauty.
Astrala: Goddess of Destiny
Veritia: Goddess of Fate
Leberia: Goddess of Freedom

Children of the Gods and Goddess:

1. **Ares, Son of Arceus, God of Courage and Valor**

2. **Athena, Daughter of Arceus, Goddess of Knowledge and Invention**

3. **Marina, Daughter of Estrix, Guardian of Aquatic Life**

4. **Faelan, Daughter of Ilenta, Keeper of the Mystical Balance**

5. **Aurora, Daughter of Ilenta, Goddess of Harmony and Serenity**

6. **Atlas, Son of Kronos, God of the Celestial **

The Sun Princes and Princesses: Lux's Children.

1. **Solara**: Princess of Dawn.

2. **Lumin**: Prince of Day

3. **North**: Princess of the Northern Lights.

4. **Soleil**: Prince of Dusk.

The Moon Kings and Queens: Nox's Children.

1. **Tsa**: Demon God, banished to Tartarus.

2. **Hellion**: King of Guardians.

3. **Silva**: King of Dreams.

4. **Lilith**: Queen of the Beasts.

5. **Ravos**: King of Lust.

6. **Soulus**: King of Souls.

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