"I love y-you too. I am s-so sorry."  When his hand touches my face to wipe away my tears, I cry even harder until I am enveloped into his embrace. "I'm so sorry. I'm scared of everything, but most of all the scariest thing was losing you." 

"You never lost me, completely. As much as I am angry and hurt and there is a lot of it." I feel so damn ashamed. "I could never stop loving you."

His lips pressed up against mine and I felt whole again.

"Marry me, Nate. Please." You, having me in your arms again is home to me.  "I know I screwed up and I have a lot making up to do but I will spend the rest of my life making it up to you. Even if I stay blind."

"Give me some time." I know it would not be this simple, but I will wait forever for him. "Okay."


"Cass, I have been in love with you since I was seventeen. I'm going to marry the shit out of you."

"That just doesn't sound right."

"Okay, that does not sound right. But you know what I mean." That I do.

"We know the make-up sex was off the hook." Lily laughs and brings me back to the present.

"We heard her screaming down the hall, as we were trying to make our escape. Otherwise, it might have been a damn orgy up in that place."


My cheeks flame scorching hot at the thought of them might doing that while we were making up.

"Stop embarrassing her. It's time. Let's finally get you married to the man of your dreams."

The knock on the door startles me but Uncle Jeff steps in.

"Cass, you look so beautiful. Your parents would be so proud of you, as I am."

"Thank you."

"Nate is a mess out there. We better hurry up before he comes in here and kidnaps you."

Breathe, just breathe. Walking down the aisle was torture when all I wanted to do was run to him. Memories of us flash before my eyes as I blink away the tears.

"There is no on like you, Cassandra Logan." When I first met Nate and we just clicked from the start.

"I would take hanging out with you then being with any fake girl in this school." Dodging away from any girl who craved his attention.

"You look breathtaking." Those words he said to me when he took me to prom.

"No matter what it is us against all those assholes." Anytime I hear whispers and gossip about me throughout school.

I see a glimpse of Nate as I make my way to him. I was too blind to see in every sense of the word what I truly meant to him. When his hand reaches for mine, I'm home where I have always belonged. Even when I could have ruined it all, he still loved me.

"You look beautiful, doll."

The tears escape because I am just so overcome with joy. I feel his thumbs brush away the tears and I look up at him. Blinking a few times and I truly smiles.

"You're as handsome as ever." I can see him! It's not a hundred percent clear but not as blurry as it once was. "I see you."

His face lights up and before I know it, I have been swept up off my feet as he spins me around.

"Baby, I am so happy for you." 

He kisses me soundly until a throat clears and we can hear laughter from our friends and family. I never heard a word the officiant said as I couldn't take my eyes off of Nate, my soon to be husband. Our smiles mirrored each other, and I know once the ceremony is over, he is going to want me to get checked out.

"Cassandra Rose Logan." My heart flutters when he brushes a kiss over my hands clasped in his. "When I first met you, at first sight I knew you would be someone special in my life. I didn't dream we would end up like this. You were this amazing young woman with a kick ass superpower." He gives me that cheesy smile that makes me giggle. "You overcame so many obstacles back then, and I thought wow! She is something else. I fell in love with you back then. It took five years and a major surgery for us to connect in a way I only fantasized about. I loved you then, I love you now, and I will keep loving you until my last breath."

"I thought women are supposed to have the heartfelt speeches." Taking in a shaky breath as I hear faint laughter around us.

"Us guys can have our moments, doll." Stop winking at me. Save that for later!

"I see that, and I can see everything." I look around and see my closest friends all choked up. "After the accident, I didn't think I would see again, but you and Lil." I look at my maid of honor, my ride or die bitch, as she likes to say all the time. 'I love you' I mouth to her. "Kept me sane and kept me going. I couldn't see you but just by one touch." Raising my hand, I caress his face with my fingers. I love it when he closes his eyes and just feels me. "You were going to be someone special to me. When I first saw you that was chaotic in itself, but we couldn't deny what we felt after I made the first move."

"I would have done it!" He protests and I just smile at him.

"Keep telling yourself that." Wiping the tears again and blink just to make sure I can see him still. It wouldn't matter if I couldn't, I will not make that mistake again. "I almost lost you, twice." My body shakes and when his arms wrap around me, I feel safe. I feel loved.

"I'm right here, love."

"I know, and I'm never letting you go."

"Neither am I."

Placing the ring on Nate's finger was difficult because my hands were shaking, but he didn't do much better himself. We were just a big hot mess. Still, I could not stop smiling. When we were pronounced husband and wife, my husband did not waste any time to kiss the life out of me. Not like I was complaining one bit.

"We're married." I say in awe. "This not a dream, is it?"

"You tell me my beautiful wife."

His lips take mine again and the world stops around us like every other time we are together. I never thought I would love anyone more than I do him, but like many things in life I was absolutely wrong.

Two years later we brought our beautiful little boy into the world. At first sight he had my heart and soul. He looked so much like Nate that I knew when he grew up, we would be in so much trouble.

"I have a son; we have a son." He says in awe.

"I think you have some competition, love."

"Never, you loved me first." He kisses my head as he holds our boy. "Thank you for making the first move, Cass." Now he admits it! I laugh as he presses a soft kiss to my lips. "I always told you things works out the way they should."

Even though we have had our ups and down, we have come out stronger in the end.

"You sure did."

                                                          The End

A/N: Thank you for taking the time to read At First Sight. I appreciate you giving it a chance and hope you have enjoyed reading it.

Until next time,


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