Start from the beginning

It felt cool against my skin, smooth and light. I buttoned it up, leaving the top buttons undone, to add that air of informality that Potter was so keen on having.

I stared at myself in the bathroom mirror, hoping that Potter wouldn't have anything to objects on this look. As much as I'd like to hide the fact, sometimes he scared the life out of me.

I stepped out of the bathroom again, finding Potter in the same spot I'd left him.

As soon as Potter met my eyes, he sucked in a sharp breath, blinking harshly, before he looked away. See! Again! I think, noticing the blush on his cheeks.

"This is certainly a very... Slytherin choice you've made there," I commented, just to diffuse some tension. "Never thought the famous Harry Potter would own a shred of green."

"It was an impulse," Potter replied. "I bought it one night, but never really worn it, never had the courage to,"

"Ah, of course, that Gryffindor pride still in you wouldn't let you wear green," I tugged at the collar, straightening it.

"Oh piss off, as if you own a single piece of red clothing," Potter snapped, eyes glued to the wall behind him, "Green would never have suited me, don't know what I was thinking when I bought that,"

"You never know until you try," I dropped the collar.

Potter shrugged. "Yeah, I guess so."

He finally looked at me, and I opened my arms, allowing his opinion.

"Well, dear Fashion Auror, what do you think now?" I smirked.

Potter paused, almost like he was choosing his words. His cheeks reddened slightly before he opened his mouth to reply.

"You look absolutely radiant."

He said it almost breathlessly, like he actually meant those words. It made my stomach turn over itself.

I opened my mouth, ready to say a witty comeback, but the words didn't come out of my mouth. Never knew a praise from the Golden Boy was what I needed to lift my spirits. I finally put myself together and managed a response, hoping my expression, didn't reveal the way his words had made my heart do cartwheels.

"That's cute, Potter."

It didn't come out as snarky as I'd hoped it would be. Rather, it sounded like a compliment— like I genuinely felt that way. Because I did.

Potter, if possible, blushed an even darker shade of crimson, and he glanced down, mumbling softly, "Shut up."

I felt drunk over this feeling, watching Potter look up slowly through his lashes, a shy grin growing on his face. I grinned back, feeling like I could fucking giggle.

The Draco Malfoy felt like giggling over Harry Potter, because he called him radiant. Wow.

I briefly closed my eyes before returning them to Potter, who still hadn't looked away.

Potter's eyes slowly travelled down my body in a way that made me shiver. I couldn't pull my gaze away from his face, his messy, chaotic hair, this small smile that pulled his lips up. I wanted to brush my thumb over it and memorise the shape.

Hang. The. Fuck. Up. Where had that thought come from?

No, I did not want to do anything of the sort. Potter's lips did not make me want to do anything like that. No. Not at all. Potter was cute. That was it. And when he looked at me like this... it made me want to... do things. But... no.

"Draco!" There was a loud knock on our dorm door. "Hurry up, mate, it's time!"


I tore my eyes away from Potter and looked towards the door. Potter looked away, and rubbed the back of his neck.

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