Juliet Walters is...

Start from the beginning

An out of breath Theo reappeared a few minutes later, with a leather bound photo album in hand. He held it out to Juliet who was now sat back on the old sofa, with Draco at her side. She took it with hesitation, letting out a breath and she opened the book. The first few photos were of Theo's mother holding him as a newborn baby. She was an exquisitely beautiful woman. As she carried on turning the pages, she stopped suddenly, lifting the book closer to her face. There he was, her father, sat at the bedside of Theo's mother, his finger being hugged by one of Theo's tiny hands. His brown curls were flopping over his forehead just like Theo's did now and just how they had done in the photo her mother had showed her.

"It's him" she handed the book back over to Theo and closed her eyes as a tear escaped them. Draco's hand was secured firmly over her knee and his thumb ran back and forth over her skin.

"I'll kill him...I'll kill him Juliet. For cheating on my mother...for abandoning you and yours and for lying to me my whole life. I could have had a sister, I wouldn't have been alone" Theo's fists were clenched tightly and his nostrils were flared. He had meant every word.

"No...leave him for you know who, he'll end up dead anyway" Draco was in as much shock as they both were. His best friend's sister was the girl that he strived to love.

"Theo..." Juliet's voice was hoarse as she opened her eyes and looked at him "you do have a sister and you'll always have a sister from now on" The brunette girl smiled widely.

"I think it's time I gave Draco the big brother speech" Theo smirked at Juliet as he crossed his arms over his chest.

The dark lord once again slithered out of Draco's mind a smirk of success was resting on his face and as he slowly walked back to his chair, the other deatheaters looked to him for answers.

"My lord?" Bellatrix was on the edge of her seat, practically bouncing in anticipation.

"It would seem that our dear...Tiberius Nott may of flown very far from his nest seventeen years ago...to muggle London, where he impregnated a woman who bore him a child...another child...one who is....of half blood" the dark lord sneered as he spoke and Draco found it very ironic, how he could spit on the name's of halfbloods when he was one himself.

The whole table burst into laughter, loud cackles filled the space. All except from, Lucius Malfoy and Narcissa Malfoy who still looked utterly shocked.

"It would seem Lucius that your son is in love with a half blood...." The dark lords words irked Draco's father and as his hand rose up to grab Draco by the scruff of his neck. His mother's gentle touch stopped him.

"Not now Lucius" Narcissa Malfoy was not a bad woman, she was simply a mother who wished to protect her son.

"Draco, draco....what to do about this...inconvenience. I could kill her..." Draco's head rose at those words, his whole body tensed up as he thought about Juliet being tortured and killed at the dark lords hands.

"Although...it would be a waste...I suppose she is a Nott after all and a Ravenclaw...she's smart is she not?" The dark lord looked over Draco with narrowed eyes as he waited for an answer.

"Yes my lord" Draco was trying to control himself but his whole body was screaming for him to pull out his wand and do something to stop this.

"She could be very beneficial to my cause and I suppose she'd be willing to do whatever to protect her brother and her dear love..." the dark lord knew what he was doing, he knew how to manipulate whoever he wanted into doing whatever he wanted. Draco knew it too, there was no way that Juliet wouldn't offer herself up for Theo's and Draco's safety.

"I should very much like to meet her...matter of fact...I'd like for there to be a family meeting...the Malfoy's and the Nott's, seeing as your family's may well be tied through marriage soon" the whole room of deatheaters burst into laughter at the dark lords attempt to be funny but Draco remained deadly still, his hands were in fists under the table and his jaw muscles were twitching.

"See that it be arranged Lucius...and don't let me down...otherwise precious Juliet will die whilst Draco watches and then Draco will die whilst you watch"

Lucius nodded his head quickly before looking down to his lap and Draco often wondered how his father was such a coward. He tormented others out in the open but here in this dining room with the dark lord at the head of his table, he was silent.

"Now leave...you all have things to attend to" the dark lord dismissed the room before he too, apparated away. Draco watched as the other death eaters left in cloud's of black smoke and once the room was empty, a deadly silence fell over his family.

"Draco..." his mother reached out for him but he stood to his feet, his chair screeching against the marble floor.

"No...I will not allow it...she isn't coming here" Draco shook his head.

"Do you understand what you have done! Not only have you pushed aside the task put up on you from the dark lord but you've fallen in love with a half blood! You disgrace our name!" Lucius Malfoy stood to his feet but he no longer towered over Draco like he once did and Draco wasn't scared anymore. In a split second his wand was pulled and pointed at his father's neck.

"She. Will. Not. Come. Here" Draco kept his voice calm but the look on his face was enough to show how much anger coursed through his veins.

"Darling..." Narcissa Malfoy's hand was placed on Draco's wand bearing arm. "Do you really love her?"

"Yes mother. I love her so much that I'm willing to sacrifice my life for hers" Draco didn't take his eyes off his father as he spoke, he was proving to him how serious he was.

"Then...we support you...we will help you keep her safe and out of this as much as possible but Draco, she must come here with Theo and with Tiberius, otherwise he will find her and kill her anyway" Narcissa slowly pushed Draco's arm down, his wand falling from his fathers neck. His mother's words were genuine and he knew what she said was the truth. Juliet was not safe now, not in Hogwarts and not in her own home in London. If she didn't come to his manor, he would regret it for the rest of his life, but, he might regret it either way.

"I will not support this Narcissa! She is a half blood-she's tainted and I will not have any Malfoy heirs not be of-..."

"Shutup!" Draco turned around, his fist met the middle of his father's face and his mother let out a small squeal as she knelt down to inspect the blood trickling from his nose.

"Set up the meeting for New Year's Eve..." Draco spat the words towards his father before he turned around and walked out of the dining room with his hands deep in his pockets and a look of determination on his face.

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