Author's Note

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Hey, guys! So obviously as you can see I'm entering this story into #Wattys2015 so it would be AMAZING if you could vote, comment, tweet, and such, especially if you like it.

Check out my other stories, there are so many I'm too lazy to list them (The Urban Princesses series and the Apocalypse series, ok, I guess it wasn't that hard to list them).

This story has many mentions of the Grisha Trilogy aka Shadow and Bone. All characters and dialogue mentioned in this book belong to the amazing Leigh Bardugo. But everything else belongs to me. (Shadow and Bone is not a movie yet but is said to be soon (cross your fingers))

I'd like to thank belle-of-the-ball-xo for helping me find a cover and always supporting me. And to Imagine Dragons who never stop getting better and always have a new song for me to get inspired by.

And to you, reader, for just.... reading.

Love you so much!



"Jiggy jar jar doo."

-"Carl Poppa" by Bad Lip Reading

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