"Aah! Miss black come in, sit down." Dumbledore smiled at her.

Once she had sat down he then spoke again.

"I have some news regarding your grandmother."

This had got her attention. "What is it? Is the wicked witch of the rest gone for good?"

Dumbledore raised an eyebrow at her comment but didn't address it. "Well as you may or may not know she has had a run in with the ministry and so the they, the ministry that is, don't believe her fit to had custody over you."

"Why hadn't she told me herself?" She questioned.

Her grandmother was practically crazy, she had a bunch of plans for every single minor mistake that could happen.

This time it was Mcgonnagals turn to speak. "We do not know but upon recent discoveries, your mother's will was found and re read."

Amelia sat up. "And?"

Dumbledore cleared his throat, causing Amelia to turn her attention back on him.

"In case of an emergency in which her grandmother can not look after her," he was reading off a letter, "I wish for my only daughter to be in the care of my twin brother, Sirius Black."

Nobody spoke for a moment or two as Amelia allowed to words to sink in. Seeing and sensing her hesitation, Dumbledore slid the letter over to her.

Amelia read it once. Twice. Three times.

"Wait so you expect me to just be okay with all of this?"

"Not exactly but you will be staying with Sirius Black and his family over the Christmas Holidays." Dumbledore told her.

Amelia's heart dropped, she wasn't ready for this. It was all happening far too fast. "Can't I stay at Blake's?"

"Unfortunately Miss. Black, I cannot make that decision." Dumbledore said. "I suggest you talk to Sirius about further arrangements."

"Fucking great."


That night, after curfew, Amelia sat on the Astronomy Tower waiting for Blake. She desperately needed somebody to talk to and Blake had always been the one to go to for advice.

Blake arrived at the Astronomy Tower only a few minutes later, it seemed like she might have been waiting for her friend as well.

She looked around, seeing the figure of Amelia on the chair.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't Amelia Vela Black." Amelia could practically hear the grin in her voice. "Ame? What're you doing out here?"

Amelia looked up. "I was waiting for you, I wanted to talk to you and I knew you'd be up here."


Blake sat down in the chair beside where Amelia was sitting, crossing her legs and putting her hands behind her head.

"What's up? You look a bit worried, and I'm ninety-nine point nine positive that it's not because of Christmas coming up so you'll have to buy me a present."

Blake flashed a playful smile, her tone still light.

"Good news is my grandmother is in trouble with the ministry or something, which probably means she's locked up in Azkaban or something." Amelia shrugged.

The girl had never cared for her grandmother much, even as a child. In fact, she hoped Walburga Black was locked up in a cell on Azkaban.

It was the least she deserved.

"Bad news is, after finding my mothers will she requested that if my grandmother couldn't look after me than Sirius will." Amelia continued.

Blake's cheerful, playful smile faded the moment she realised why her friend was upset.

She listened closely, hearing that Amelia was going to have to spend Christmas with her uncle.

"And you don't wanna stay with him?" she asked carefully, choosing her words carefully.

Amelia shook her head slightly, looking down at the ground.

"I don't think im ready, it's all happening so fast." She admitted. "I mean, I've barely spoke to them before. But I suppose I can ask Sirius if I can come round yours during the holidays."

Blake raised an eyebrow at her friend's suggestion.

"And do you think he would let you?" she asked, her hands now back on her lap as she shifted in her chair.

Amelia shrugged. "Like I said, I barely know him."

"Well, there's only one way to find out, I suppose."

Blake crossed her legs again, her hands now gripped together.

The Ravenclaw-slytherin duo were quiet momentarily before Amelia spoke up.

"Blake?" She spoke the name as she looked at her friend.

"Yeah, Ame?" she returned the gesture and look towards her friend, a concerned look in her eyes.

Amelia sighed. "You know when I was suspended, and you, Theo and Daphne were being all secretive? What was that all about?"

"Well... um... it's kinda hard to explain." Blake replied carefully, her tone becoming a little less cheerful at that point. "Are you sure you want to know?"

Amelia looked at her. "If it's regarding me then yes I do want to know, very much actually."

"Okay okay, but you can't get mad at me, okay?" Blake said, taking a deep breath and exhaling before speaking again.

"We... we were trying to protect you from something."

Amelia was confused. Protecting her from what?"

"You're going to have to be a tad bit more specific Blake. I can't read minds."

Blake took another breath, her head now lowered.

"Whilst you were suspended, Theo and me were messing around after curfew one night. somehow, we ended up in Professor Potters office, which is ridiculously big by the way for a quidditch coach." she began, choosing her choice of words carefully. "Anyway, we saw he had left a letter on the desk and of course me and Theo, being the nosy gits we are read it."

"What'd it say?" Amelia asked, intrigued.

"I..." Blake frowned, her face tightening with nerves as she continued the story. "I can't exactly tell you what it said, not specifically anyway. but it was... very important information about you, Amelia."

"Blake." Amelia said, her voice dangerously calm. "You have to tell me, it's about me. You can't keep a secret like that from me."

"Fine, then."

Blake groaned. She had no choice, either be honest to her friend or try and lie and hide. And she wasn't about to do the latter on Amelia.

She sighed.

"Your... family." she began, before pausing for a moment. "It was about your family."

"Blake." Amelia whined. "I know you're a Ravenclaw and all but stop with the riddles and be straight forward!"

"Alright alright, I'm trying but im not even speaking in riddles!"

Blake took another deep breath. She knew her friend wasn't going to like this, and she already regretted not only reading the letter but having to tell her friend about it in the first place.

"James Potter is your father."

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