Chapter 47

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After not being able to get a hold of Hardin I contacted Vance who told me he shot up again...and was now asleep...

He told me he found the drugs hidden in the vent in the bathroom and that he's been sitting on the floor in Hardin's room shaking his arm and making sure he's still breathing every few minutes.

I headed over to Vance's house not knowing what I was walking into. But expecting the worst seeing as how that's how the past few days have been.

And today was no different.

He's popping open a beer and asking if I want one. And Vance is letting him.

And all I can say to Hardin is that he actually has to want to get better...which I'm not seeing...not at all.

It's the worst thing you can possibly do. Watch the person you love continue to destroy themselves.

He's on his third beer now and Vance and I are just sitting back as he continues to ignore us. At this point he's gone outside and is sitting on the patio...I guess you could say enjoying himself...

"I don't get it." I say to Vance breaking the silence that's been heavy between us.

"He's sick Tess. And until he realizes that...this is his life." Vance replies.

"He's so talented. And he is getting everything he's ever wanted...why do this?" I ask Vance.

"Because he can't help it. And trust me it's taken me a long time to accept that. And I know I've gone to the most extreme to get him help but I know he wouldn't have gone otherwise. I still don't." He replies.

"I'm going to go talk to him." I say to Vance.

"Okay...good luck." He replies knowing I'll need it.

As I'm sliding the door open he puts his bottle in the air... "Tess be a doll get me another." He says clanking the glass with his ring on his finger.

The phrase and gesture alone made my blood boil. Because really?...he has to be fucking kidding me right now...

But I let out a huff of a breath and go to the fridge and grab him another...

When I went outside I hand it to him...all while I'm still fuming.

"Thanks babe." He says to me and all I can do is look at him. Actually glare at him...

"Where do you see yourself in 5 years?" I ask him wondering the real answer.

"Why are you asking me that?" He questions.

"Because I'm genuinely curious if you see anything beyond this." I reply.

"I don't know Tess....maybe dead." He nonchalantly as if he's okay with that.

"Not a future? Not us?...nothing?..." I question annoyed.

"I've already been living on borrowed time. Let's be honest I should have died in the accident and so all this...all of this is just...well just this." He responds.

"Well what if I saw you happy, clean, successful?..." I question.

"Who said I'm not happy now?" He asks me.

"You...Hardin. Look at you. You wouldn't be doing this if you were happy..."I tell him.

He doesn't say anything just looks off into the yard, continuing to drink.

Finally he says something...

"I'm going to go back to LA Tess." He says which has me confused.

"After rehab?" I question.

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