Chapter 45

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I'll never forget the call from Kim telling me what Hardin did to Vance. I was so angry with him. I couldn't believe he would do that.

I haven't been able to process any of it...From the breakup, to him being on the 72 hour hold, to him being arrested, and then finding out he was released and no one knew where he was.

It's all been too much.

We spent hours looking for him. Called everywhere. And it was heartbreaking with each passing minute knowing if we didn't find him, we were going to lose him. Just like I lost my Dad...who has completely disappeared again.

What shocked me was when my phone rang and it was Hardin.

Originally Vance wanted to come with me, but I knew if he did there was a chance Hardin wouldn't have come with me, so I decided it be better if it was just me.

What I wasn't expecting was to pull up in front of the bar and see Hardin being arrested.

I shouldn't have been surprised given how he looked. He was beyond messed up there was no doubt about that.

I knew he couldn't get arrested again. And I didn't think it would work but I begged. I begged the officer to let him go, and assured him I would take him home.

And he actually let him go. I was so relieved. Before I walked away the officer told me to be careful that whatever he was on, he was going to be coming off..

My relief turned to anger when I got in the car and I was met with the shell. The shell he leaves when he does this. And all I could do was hit him.

I'm so mad at him. So fucking mad. But also sad. I'm so sad for him.

And I needed to bring him home, but he was aware enough to know that's where I was headed. And he wouldn't agree to that...

So I had no choice but to bring him to my place. I texted Vance and told him that i was heading to my apartment instead of his house.

When we got to my apartment, he didn't waste any time making his way to my bed.

I quickly caught Alex up on what had just gone down while I waited for Vance...since as bad as it sounds I was scared to be alone with him given the shape he was in. And the cop had a point whatever he was on he was going to be coming off...

I don't think he would do anything to me...but I don't know who that person is. He's someone I don't recognize.

And he only became more unrecognizable when Vance got to my place.

The intensity in everything that came out of his mouth was enough to send quakes right through me. And I couldn't control myself. Tears just kept flowing.

Especially when he cornered me against my door.  Looking into his eyes, eyes with nothing but darkness behind them. And I was thankful when Vance pulled him away and pressed him against the wall. Because I was scared. I hate to admit that, but I was afraid of him.

And I knew he had drugs on him and so did Vance. And I knew it was my opportunity to get them from him. What surprised me was the fact that he let me go inside his pocket and grab them out.

I pulled out two covered needles and two baggies.

I don't know if there is anything worse than that moment confirming the worst of the worst that he could possibly do.

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