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Escobar Love | VOLUME ONE.


"Oh your hair looks so pretty like this..."
I was surrounded in a circle by Adria and her "minions" while we were waiting in the cafeteria to be dismissed to class.

Adria and her girls were very popular in our school. They were all deemed
" most prettiest girls in our school"— well that's what everyone says. They used to make fun of me before but now...they are nice to me?

After I was dropped off by Messiah they immediately bombarded me. Laughing and giggle. Asking me question lik-

"Was that your boyfriend chica?..." Adria asked for the third time, while playing with a strand of my hair.

"Umm...n-no he's uhh just my father's friend's son" I explain to them all. I really didn't want to tell them my business.

"Oh he's so handsooome"she drags out while chuckling.

For some reason a pitch of jealously struck inside me as those words left her lips.

"Before you ask... he has a girlfriend..." I say hoping she would stop.

"Really what's her name?" Omg she does not quit! Quick think of a name Claudia!

"Catalina" I blurted out.

"Catalina ay?...I've never heard of tha-"

"Yea you wouldn't she's in college she's much older than us" i cut her off from finishing her sentence.

"He drops me off at school because he made a deal with my father to keep me safe — over protective family I guess" I continued, in an enthusiastic tone.

"Hmm..."she just shrugged her shoulders.

"Students it's time to go to your classes now!" Finally! Now I have a chance to ditch them.

I rose to my feet and grabbed my bag throwing it over my shoulder. Of course they all mirrored me. I was about to leave the circle until some grabbed my arm.

One of Adria's friend's. "Wait! You should totally come shopping with us this weekend!" She cheesed.

"Wait I might b-"

"It's okay here's all our numbers" she hands me a small paper with all there numbers.

"I'll see ya!" She winks.



"Her school is far man shit!" I spat in annoyance, pressing down on the accelerator.

The familiar sound of my phone began to sound.
"This damn phone always ringin'!" I cursed and kissed my teeth.

𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐅𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐃 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 | 𝐍𝐚𝐬.Where stories live. Discover now