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Escobar Love | VOLUME ONE.

Medellín, Colombia. | 1976'
•Messiah-Myles Morales

Six days later...

"oh f-fuck Scar, just like that papí"

"Yeah...keep talking that shit were talking on the phone"

"Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck I-I'm cumming shit!"


"I love you baby, I really enjoyed that"  my girl, Lola,  massaged my shoulders while I sat on the edge of the bed putting my clothes back on.
I hadn't spoke to her for ages since the phone call at the wedding, I was craving her so bad I needed to pay her a good visit.

"Well are you not gonna say it back? You deaf !?" Damn! a nigga can't even think.

"You better watch your fuckin' mouth..."


She pushed the back of my head out of anger making jump up.

"Who you callin' a bitch? How dare you call me that after I gave you pussy". She spat from across the bed.

"Here you go again with ya' nonsense. You know what you're not just a bitch... you're a spoilt ass BRAT! I take ya' out every Saturday to sum' where nice and I fuck you good at tha' end of tha' day. What the fuck more do you want?"

"Sum' where nice? Puhlease'... you call goin' to a dinner nice I want more than that! you don't even talk to me for the rest of the week all I get is "make sure you're ready for 6PM" every other Saturday like I'm some weekly rent that is due!"

"Listen you know what the deal is I gotta keep workin' so I can get paid. simple. money comes before you" and that was right money comes before these broads.

"So what? I'm just pussy to you?"

"So be it." I said and just left slamming her door.


I let out a sigh and hopped into my 1969 (red) Mustang. Well, I keep it in Tony's garage to avoid raising any red flags with my father or brothers, but I'm the only one who drives it so I guess it's mine.

My hand was hesitant to engage the break and put the car in ignition. I had to think. I took a picture out of my denim jeans, gave a good look at it, smiled, then kissed it before putting it back away. It was a photo of me and Lola together.

It's been about a month and six days since I dropped school and entered the street life. I decided to become cool with a lot of people on the streets — doing favours for small cash so I don't make any enemies or raise any suspicions from Tony's rivals. Tony wouldn't like the fact that I'm making my own money independantly or working for other people. I'm supposed to keep a "low profile" he says, but hey? He's not my father is he?

Pulling out of my thoughts my phone began to ring. It was an unknown number.


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