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Escobar Love | VOLUME ONE.


It was a chilled vibe.
I enjoyed this moment, and I'm sure she did as well. From small giggles together and small talk to awkward occasional glances at each other, we sure created a warm memory between the both of us.

It felt good for some reason?

We both sat in a comfortable silence.
"Just The Two Of Us" continued to play on the radio...

I nodded my head to the music and drove over the smooth road as I was considering to take Claudia for ice cream before the day ended but I wasn't sure.

I wondered how long this would last.
Anything could happen...right?

My gaze shifted off the road to look over at her, her fingers gently caressed her curls as she was looking out the window beside her.

I smile began to form on my lips and a familiar blissful feeling bubbled in my soul.
I don't know why that keeps on happening.

I clear my throat before saying- "Claudia...I didn't catch what you wanted to become when you're older..." I asked while turning a corner.

She looks at me but then fixed her gaze forward.
"I-i hope to become a fashion designer w-when I'm older". She stutters

"Interesting..." I trail off smiling taking my eyes off her. Ive never heard of that one before.

A Politician and a Fashion Designer...

I still have that urge to find out more about her before it gets too late...soon enough it'll be night, i don't really want it to end.

"What do you like to do as a hobby or when you're bored?" I ask in curiosity

"Uhh... well I really liked to ride my bike but it broke and I can't get another one. But I also like to umm read poems and listen to music sometimes" she responds.

"What typa' poems or music do ya' like"

She didn't answer till I looked at her.
She took a deep gulp.

"Umm I-i don't really want to share that" she said in a more lowered tone.
I wonder why?

I felt as though I was getting personal so I switched the convo quickly.

"What's your favourite color?"

"Pink but mostly yellow. Yours?"

"Orange but slightly tanned" I smirked at her

She broke out into a girlyish giggle.
I loved hearing her laugh.

"The work that you do now... are you helping people in that?" even though I feel like I can trust her, i shouldn't tell her what I do. Not yet.

𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐅𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐃 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 | 𝐍𝐚𝐬.Where stories live. Discover now