Islands in the Stream

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 "Do you require a moment to compose an epitaph before I wring your beautiful little neck, Princess?" Severus asked her blankly. Y/N sighed, realizing she was not going to be left alone.

She reached for her clothing to put it back on. "You're both being terribly boring today," she sneered as she redressed herself. Y/N walked into the living room, retrieving a joint before going outside on the terrace to smoke.

"Severus Snape wasn't yours. Snape was Dumbledore's, Dumbledore's from the moment you started hunting down my mother. And you never realized it, because of the thing you can't understand. You never saw Snape cast a patronus, did you Riddle?" Y/N remarked as if it were something she had been told second hand.

"You were still in love with her, weren't you? When you met me?" Y/N asked. "He's filling your head with doubts. He's very persuasive as you well know. He will make you believe what he wants," Severus replied as he walked around to sit near her.

"That was something Harry told him. Harry believed you were still in love with his mother. Why would he think that?" her head snapped towards him.

"Because I didn't discuss my private life with Harry fucking Potter. Are you quite serious right now? I married you. We have children. Why are you worried about this all of a sudden?" Severus questioned her with a look of bewilderment.

"He said you were still in love with her, that you always would be," she replied with her eyes welling up with hot tears. "He's attempting to pit you against me, you have to see that. Right?" Severus asked as he reached out to her leg gently embracing her.

"I don't know what to believe any more," she admitted as she smoked her joint and stared into the distance. "Do you want Daddy to hold you?" he whispered as he leaned down, looking into her sad eyes.

A little grin spread across her lips as she leaned forward extinguishing the joint on the stone terrace ground. She crawled onto his lap, burying her face into his chest. Severus wrapped his arms around here, rocking her back and forth.

"You smell so fucking good," she whispered. Her mouth moved up, kissing and nibbling his neck. She could feel how tense he was, not wanting to give in to her. "I need you," she whispered.

"You can't do this every time you are sad," Severus whispered softly to her. "I'm not sad. I want to make love to my husband," she pulled back giving him a glare.

 "You've been taken care of multiple times today," he replied softly. Y/N just got off his lap in a huff and went back inside, grabbing her sketch pad.

"Trouble in paradise?" Lucius asked as she walked up the stairs. "It's always something," she replied as she climbed the stairs. Y/N went to the guest room to do some drawing and listening to music as loud as she wished. Music, one of the only things could drown the chaos in her head currently.

She closed the door behind her walking over to the desk, she laid down her sketch pad. Her wand less magic switched on one of her favorite vinyl's, "Dolly Parton," the first song was "Jolene."

She used her wand to silence the door so she could turn the record player much louder. Y/N would be lying is she said she didn't visualize using the knife in her pencil pouch to hurt herself. Quickly, she sharpened her pencil and returned the pocketknife to the pouch.

A few minutes later the door opened and closed, a tall handsome blonde man with piercing blue eyes brought her a mug of tea.

He looked far too sweet at that moment to spit poison at. A grin spread across her lips as she reached up, taking the tea from his hands. "Thank you," she mouthed over the excessively loud music.

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