It Isn't Your Concern

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It was later in the afternoon when Lucius finally came to visit. Y/N was in her chair in the living room, being consumed by the hungry twins. "Good afternoon, Little bird," Lucius grinned at her as he appeared. "Hello, Daddy. How was work? Anything good happen?" she teased him from her current position.

"Dreadfully boring as usual. I saw Pansy briefly," he grinned at her. "Oh, right. I'm going to try to intercept her at lunch tomorrow. I think she and I need to speak privately," Y/N sighed.

"I think that's a good idea," he grinned as he leaned down over her chair to kiss her softly. "My Daddy is upstairs fixing their cribs. I bet he could use a hand. Both of them were standing up, attempting to figure out the railing on their cribs," she smiled up at him.

A quick flash of an idea came to her, adding, "That's it. The idea of my next book. Twin girls who escape their cribs during nap time for mischievous little adventures," she smiled. "Aww I thought you were going to do something about Magnus and Atlas," Lucius frowned.

"So many ideas, so little time," she sighed in response. Lucius laid his suit jacket and cane on the sofa before starting to roll his sleeves up. "How dare you do that in front of me. You know I cannot resist a forearm vein," she teased him.

Lucius just grinned at her as he rolled his sleeves up carefully. "I bet you were planning that all day, you flirt," she grinned at him. "How could I know you would ask me to assist?" he remarked playfully as he walked up the staircase to the nursery.

"A little bird told me that you might need a hand," Lucius announced as he walked into the nursery with a grin. "Just in time. Can you hold this still while I secure it with the bolt?" Severus asked from the carpet. He leaned over the crib that was on its side attempting to make do alone.

"You two need an elf. I never had to do any of these things with Draco," Lucius teased. "The Princess is very selective about who she lets around the girls. After the whole Alfie thing, she's very distrustful," Severus remarked.

"I suppose that's a fair point. A house elf knows no loyalty to their Master," Lucius grumbled. "I'm glad to see you're not still holding a grudge about the whole free Dobby incident," Severus teased him playfully.

"Does anyone else feel like popcorn?" Y/N popped into the doorway quickly. "That implies we know what popcorn feels like," Severus teased her. "That's what I get for asking the help if they want a snack. Always a smart remark," Y/N huffed and walked back downstairs.

"Never in my life have I been called the help. Get back here," he teased. "I cannot, the girls are going to start popping it without me," she laughed as she went down the stairs.

The men came downstairs a few minutes later to see Y/N showing the popcorn kernels to the girls.

"We have eyes on us, do not take these out of my hand, please. Just touch them," she teased the girls as she let them each inspect the kernels. "Can we say, pop pop pop?" she grinned at the girls. Both of the girls started smacking their mouths in reply.

"Can you say Papa?" Severus came over to ask the girls. "We are in class, you are interrupting. I was showing them how to make popcorn," she huffed as she shooed him out of the way.

"A skill they definitely need to learn. Show them how to turn on the hob as well," Severus teased as he and Lucius went to sit on the sofa.

"Sign language. That's what they need," Y/N remarked as she started the flame on the stove and moved the heavy pot over.

"Only Mama and Papa touch this. Are we clear?" Y/N asked the girls as she pointed to the knobs on the stove.

"We are on the same page that they cannot have popcorn, correct?" Severus turned to look at her from the sitting area. "We are now," she smiled back at him as she put some little baby snack puffs on their trays.

Suffering: Part 5Where stories live. Discover now