One Demon's Agony is Another Demon's Entertainment

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Satan (Lucifer): "...Well then. I'm going to go ahead and call this meeting in order. We'll be discussing how things are going to work now that Satan...

Y/n ignores the entire meeting not wanting to be involved.

~The Next Day~

Satan: (Lucifer) "Y/n, I think you know this, but I don't trust those two one bit. Satan and Mammon both think this whole..."

Y/n: "Don't involve me. This is your own fault."

Lucifer (Satan) and Mammon complain.

Diavolo: "Hello, Lucifer."

Lucifer (Satan): "...!"

Diavolo: "So what happened this morning? You always stop by the assembly hall first thing in the morning, but you weren't there today."

Y/n: "Grab popcorn."

Satan mimics Lucifer.

Satan (Lucifer): "Y/n I'm not actually like that, am I?" I'm-"

Y/n is feeling like causing some drama.

Y/n: "You are."

Diavolo: "I don't feel tense at all-- or tired, for that matter. ...So, Satan. What are you doing in Lucifer's body?"

Y/n is feeling upset.

Y/n: "They were being idiots and touched the forbidden book!"

Y/n clings to Diavolo.

Diavolo: "I see."

Y/n is with Lucifer later.

Y/n: "What speech?"

Lucifer blabs on about a boring speech he has to do.

Y/n: "Why not talk it over with Satan?"

Luicfer goes off on a tiny rant

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