Side Story (2-A and 2-C)

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Solomon: "Read 'em, and weep. It's a straight flush."

Asmo: "Ugh, I don't believe it! All I needed was the ace of spades!"

Satan: "So, Solomon wins again, huh? How many times in a row is that?"

Solomon: "This makes 183 wins for me now."

Asmo: "Are you using a spell that alters the appearance of the cards in your hand?"

Solomon: "Now, now, I'm not like you demons. I'd appreciate it if you wouldn't compare me to one. I am but a simple human, an innocent lamb."

Satan: "I'm surprised you can say that with a straight face, considering you're the most powerful sorcerer in the history of mankind."

Solomon: "Wow, is that really what you think Satan? I have to say, I'm honored. Still, if Mammon were here, he might have broken my record-breaking winning streak."

Satan: "True. As soon as money is involved it's as if a switch flips inside of him. He'll make sure it ends up his, almost like some sort of superpower."

Asmo: "Mm, you're right. Strange, considering he's usually such a dolt."

Solomon: "All of you are always putting down Mammon, aren't you? Shouldn't you be a bit more respectful? After all, he is your older brother."

Satan: "Oh, speaking of Mammon, that reminds me: I heard something interesting from Lucifer."

Solomon: "So, you're going to pretend you didn't hear what I said?"

Satan: "He said that Y/n is trying to make a pact with Mammon, apparently."

Asmo: "What? Y/n? The child! Made a pact with Mammon."

Solomon: "Huh. Interesting..."

Asmo: "Are you for real?! That's hilarious! What else do you know? Time to dish up some details, Satan."

Satan: "According to Lucifer, Y/n teamed up with Levi. They're planning on making a deal with Mammon to get what they want. It seems like they're looking for that credit card of his-the one Lucifer confiscated."

Solomon: "I see. So, they plan to pressure him to enter a pact in exchange for the credit card, then."

Asmo: "Wait, back up a second. Before we even get to that, there's a lot to unpack here! What's all this about Levi teaming up with Y/n?! I mean we're talking about Levi, the super otaku who never comes out of his room! Is he really capable of working together with a real live person?! Also, how exactly does Lucifer know all this?"

Satan: "Apparently Y/n spoke to Lucifer directly, trying to figure out where the credit card is."

Asmo: "WHAT?!"

Solomon: "Ahahahaha!"

Asmo: "What's so funny about that?"

Solomon: "Well, it's quite the turn of events, now is it? I can't help but think that Y/n really shows a lot of promise."

Satan: "Well, Lucifer must've felt the same way, because he said that he gave Y/n a hint about the cards' whereabouts. Even though he knows Y/n knows where it is and only asked as a formality for Levi."

Asmo: "Wait, he actually did that? Wow, he must really have taken a liking to Y/n. Do you think Mammon will agree to a pact if it means he gets his credit card back?"

Solomon: "Knowing him, probably, yes."

Satan: "Yep. Though he'll likely throw quite the tantrum over it first."

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