A Pet Is A Big Responsibility

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~Beels Room~

Luke: "Y/n, this isn't what I was talking about at all. I believe I asked to stay in your room...so what are we doing here in Beelzebub's?!"

Beel: "You're talking too loud. If you don't want the others to know that you're here, you'd better keep it down."

Luke: "Answer the question!"

Beel: "No one can use Y/n's room right now."

Luke: "Wha? What do you mean no one can use it?"

Beel: "It's all because of the custard."

Luke: "The custard...?"

Y/n: "Two weeks expired. I can't believe Mammon made me eat that."

Beel: "Y/n and I have to share a room now. We don't have a choice. Those were Lucifer's orders. I don't remember asking anyone to pick up a dog from the street and bring it back here, not to mention one that never stops barking."

Luke: "Hey! Don't you compare me to a dog! Anyway, I wasn't picked up off the street! I came here of my own free will."

Beel: "Here, drink this for now, and try to calm down."

Luke: "Wh-What is this-"

Y/n: "Just drink it."

Beel: "It's just pomegranate juice."

Y/n: "Ironic."

Luke: "Wh-what! Beelzebub, why are you being nice to me? It's creeping me out."

Beel: "You gave me cake once."

Luke: "Did I? Ah, right, you're talking about that  one time..."

Y/n: "Huh?"

Luke: "It's nothing important."

Y/n zones out thinking about how to get to Lucifer's room.

Y/n: If I can't have a good night's rest neither can he. "Wow, that's really cool!"

Luke: "N-No, it's nothing so impressive. I mean, I've only been doing it for about 300 years or so. I'm still an amateur. But..."

Y/n: Ooo. I can sneak off as soon as Luke and Beelzebub are asleep.

Y/n: "Hate to interrupt. Did something happen between you and Simeon?"

Luke: "This is all Simeon's fault. I wouldn't be here if it weren't for him. He's getting way too chummy with these demons. We..."

Y/n: Shit. What did I unleash? 

Y/n exchanges a look with Beel. Y/n starts to stare wide-eyed at Luke.

Beel: "Even though you hate demons?"

Luke: "Well, what choice do I have?! This is the only place I could think of to go."

Y/n: "Beel, I'm leaving this up to you."

Beel: "...Okay, Lule can stay here. I do owe him for giving me that cake, after all."

Luke: "Really? I can stay?!"

Beel: "Just make sure that my brothers don't find out about you. If they knew I was sheltering an angel, they'd kick me out of the dorm."

Luke: "All- Beel!"

~Dining Room~

Mammon: "...Hey. What's the deal, Y/n? Is that all you're gonna eat? If you don't have yourself a proper breakfast, you'll run out of gas before lunchtime."


Luke: "So you're really willing to bring me back something to eat so I can have breakfast too? That would be amazing thanks...! Wow, you're so nice, Y/n..."

Flashback over.

Mammon: "Are you feelin' sick to your stomach? Is that it?"

Y/n: "Yeah, something like that."

Asmo: "You're feeling homesick, aren't you? You must miss the human world."

Y/n: "Umm. I-"

Mammon: "I dunno. Ya really think Y/n's the type to get homesick?"

Beel: "Welp, I think I've had enough for now."

Mammon: "Wh...?"

Asmo: "Huh...?!"

Satan: "..."

Mammon: "Beel! You're actually gonna...gonna leave food on your plate?! Uneaten food?! You've gotta be kiddin' me...!"

Asmo: "I can't ever remember you doing that, and my memory goes back at least 5000 years!"

Beel: "I didn't say I wasn't going to eat it. I'm going to take it back to my room and finish it there. That's all."

Mammon: 'Is this the end of the world?! Are we going to be invaded by an army of angels?!"

Y/n climbs onto Lucifer's lap.

Y/n: "My stomach hurts."

Lucifer: "Hhhhhh."

Asmo: "Can..."

~Much later~

Luke tells the story about the brothers being angels.

Beel: "We're in big trouble. You're about to be found out."

Luke: "Huh?"

Beel: "We're having a surprise inspection. Now."

Y/n: "Can't we pass Luke off as Malleus?"

Beel: "Unfortunately no."

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