The incredible disappearing doggie

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Beel: "We're having a surprise inspection...!"

Luke: "A surprise inspection? What do you mean?"

Beel: "I mean exactly what I said. Lucifer shows up unannounced, and goes around checking each room to see if anyone is out past curfew."

Luke: "Oh."

Y/n climbs into Beel's bed.

Luke: "In that case, all I have to do is hide, right? Maybe under the bed, or behind the curtains-"

Y/n: "We're screwed."

Beel: "Oh no. You'll have to do way better than that."

Y/n: "Lulu, does more than check to see if everyone's in their rooms..."

Beel: "He searches inside the room itself."

Y/n: "Remember Asmo's one-night stand."

Beel: "Asmodeus had a witch that he'd brought back home one night in his room. She transformed into a spider and hid, but Lucifer still found her."

Luke: "Wha...?! Why does he have to go to such lengths? We didn't have anything like that that at Purgatory Hall!"

Beel: "You don't have Lucifer living with you at Purgatory Hall."

Y/n: "It was all Mammon's fault."

Beel: "He kept sneaking out after curfew and coming home late."

Y/n: "He'd keep unpaid bills in his room so no one could find them."

Luke: "Ugh... Mammon that IDIOT!"

Beel: "There will be time to blame Mammon later. Right now you need to hide. Get inside the closet."

Luke: "What's the point of me hiding in the closet?! I mean-"

Y/n: "Shut up. He's almost here."

Lucifer:"...Alright...inspection time. Beel, Y/n. I see you're both here."

Y/n: "Up!"

Lucifer: "Alright."

Lucifer picks Y/n up.

Lucifer: "I'm going to have a look through your room to be certain everything's in order here. But before I do, is there anything you'd like to tell me?"

Y/n: "No."

Lucifer: "I see. Beel, open the closet."

Beel: "There's nothing there but Belphie's clothes."

Y/n: Belphie's a liar. But his pillow is soft.

Lucifer: "Didn't you hear me? Open it."

Y/n: "..."

Beel: "..."

Then Beel opened up the closet and Luke was nowhere to be seen.

Beel: "...?"

Lucifer: "I guess you weren't hiding a puppy in here. I guess it was only a rumor then. That wraps-"

Y/n is quietly snoring.

Lucifer: "Both of you make sure to go to bed early."

Beel: "..."

Lucifer hands Y/n off to Beel.

Beel: "Luke disappeared. Weird...I know I pushed him into the closet a minute ago."

Y/n: "Ughhhhh."

Beel: "What's going on?" Y/n: Hmmm. Where could Luke have gone?

~The next morning; RAD~

Beel: "Luke never did come back last night. You saw it too, right Y/n? You saw me push him into the closet. So, why did he just va-"

Simeon: "Well, hello Beel, Y/n. Good to see you. (Y/n gives Beel a look of complete horror.) You two are looking after Luke, right? I hope he isn't causing you too much trouble. I'm sorry you had to get caught up in our private squabble. I tried to stop him before he could run off, but Luke is just too quick, I'm afraid. I'd appreciate it if you could take care of him until he's ready to come back again. Thank you both."

Beel: "..."

Y/n is having an internal crisis.

Simeon: "Luke can be a real handful. He's so young and immature as angels go, and he knows little of the world. So, he tends to judge everything in life from the perspective of someone in the Celestial Realm, using it's logic..."

Y/n spaces out trying to figure out where Luke could've gone.

Y/n: Library? Piano Room? The attic? Maybe a basement?

Y/n: "Why not tell him?"

Simeon: "I believe this is true..."

Y/n: Does the house even have a basement?

Y/n gets elbowed by Beel.

Y/n: "You really are a good leader."

Simeon: "Thank you. Though I'm not sure if Luke would agree with you. If-"

Y/n: "We're not kicking Luke out..."

Simeon leaves.

Beel: "We better track Luke back ASAP."

~At the HOL~

Beel: "From the look on you're face, I'm guessing he wasn't on the second floor either, huh? Although honestly, it isn't really possible to search all of the second floor since my brothers' rooms comprise most of it. Well I didn't see him anywhere. We should try one more time. This time you look on the first floor, Y/n, and I'll search the sec-"

Satan: "So, you're looking for something, are you? What are you two whispering about?"

Beel: "I don't know what you mean. We're not whispering."

Satan: "Oh yes you are. And you'd better give me the truth, or I might have to go tell Lucifer about this."

Y/n: "We're looking for Luke."

Satan: "Luke...? The angel Luke?" There's no way he's here in the House of Lamentation. He hates demons."

Beel: "We're not talking about the angel Luke. We're talking about a dog. We're looking for a dog named Luke."

Satan: "So you really are hiding-..."

Satan leaves.

Beel: "We managed to worm our way out of that somehow, huh... We'd better find Luke fast."


Beel: "It's strange that we still haven't found him even after searching for all this time..."

Y/n inches towards the dollhouse.

Beel: "Wait a second. Look at the dollhouse here. That's strange. There's an extra room here, one that doesn't exist."

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