Up the Stairs

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Levi: "...Finally. I've been waiting for you to show up. It took you long enough. When I call for you, you need to come right away, understand? Don't walk, run. I want you moving at light speed. Like the way, Henery races over whenever his best friend the Lord of Shadow calls on him. You saw the TSL DVDs, so you should know. He comes riding up, on the winged unicorn that he won off of the Lord of Fools in a bet. Now, don't get me wrong. I'm not saying you and I are best friends or anything. As if. So, do you know why I called you here?"

Y/n: "Have you ever run with such tiny legs and a sprained ankle?"

Levi: "You are short."

y/n: "Malus Nequamque. Anyway, umm. To eat me?"

Levi: "Huh. Good guess. You're sharp. The truth is that I was planning on doing that until a minute ago. Because I won't stand for anyone else being a bigger TSL fan than me. It's unacceptable! And what's worse, you're a human-a weak, insignificant one at that. It just totally defies belief. If I took you out by eating you, that would leave me as the sole king of all TSL mega fans, right? But Lucifer would get mad at me if I did, so I've given up on that idea. All right, look. Here's the thing. You remember why we decided to have that TSL competition-"

Y/n: "I'm still shocked at how Simeon knew that stuff."

Levi: "So, am I. Anyway, it was to see who the bigger TSL fan was. And I told you if you won, I'd enter into a pact with you. That little trump card you pulled was a real dirty trick."

Y/n: "Beel and Satan came up with it."

Levi: "Huh, but a promise is a promise, after all. It kills me to do this...it makes my stomach churn. But I'll keep my end of the bargain. I'll do it I'll make a pact with you."

Y/n: "Thank you." Levi: "Hmph. So, what's all this stuff about, anyway? There's something you're not telling me, isn't there? A normie mini-human like you asking to make a pact with a demon like me? You must have some ulterior motive. This is about more than just making a pact, right? You're after something else. Go on, spill the beans."

Y/n: "My curiosity is getting the best of me. Lend me your copy of the TSL soundtrack."

Levi: "AHA! I knew no one would actually WANT to make a pact with me. Not like this is surprising or anything. Well, I don't know what you're planning on doing with my record, but...just don't sell it, understand? You've better give it back when you're done, is that clear? If you touch it, make sure to wipe off any fingerprints. And no eating potato chips and stuff when you handle it. It's super, super rare, so you better not lose any of the inserts or the sleeve or anything!"

Y/n: "Okay. Alslo I never asked for one, I straight out asked for it multiple times." Yes. Step one completed. Step two give it to Lulu.


Y/n knocks on Lucifer's door.

Lucifer: "It's open. Come in. Y/n, it's you. Today really was quite a disaster, wasn't it? But despite all that happened, you should know that Levi's not normally--"

Y/n: *Muttering* "He told me he was planning on eating me."

Lucifer: "--like that. He may be a high-ranking demon, but he is quite harmless by nature. Try not to hold it against him. So, tell me what are you doing here this late?"

Y/n holds up the vinyl copy of the TSL soundtrack.

Lucifer: "Wh...! Is this what I think it is?! Ah, now I get it. So, this is why you wanted to make a pact with Levi. Do you realize what it is you've got here, what this represents?"

Y/n: "No? But there is a list  of rules that come with it."

Lucifer: "I don't imagine you would. This isn't any ordinary soundtrack, you see. There's quite a history to it. I don't have an interest in The Tale Of The Seven Lords as a story. No...What interests me is the person who served as the first composer for the TSL movies. You see, the composer I speak of is dead now. He killed himself. The final song he wrote before his death was meant to be used in the scene where the Lord of Corruption puts a curse on the heroes. But due to the composer committing suicide, they decide against using that track. They saved it but didn't release it to the public. However, a group of diehard fans--"

Y/n: Probably Leviathan.

Lucifer: "--pooled their own funds and had a very limited number of vinyl editions produced. As you might have guessed by now, this record is one of the few that were created. However, all of the people involved in its creation, as well as every person who owned a copy of it, ended up dying mysteriously. So, people started saying the record itself was cursed. I heard that all of those had been destroyed. But all this time, Levi had a copy. I had no idea. All right, I'll go ahead and take this. We'll consider it payment for saving you earlier. Still, I really do appreciate you bringing this to me. I think I'll spend tonight savoring every last not of this music here...which means I probably won't be able to bring myself to leave my room tonight. You see, we demons can't resist temptation. When there's something we really want staring us in the face, we have to have it. That's simply how we are. Right now what I want is to stay up all night listening to this record. I can't help it...I have to do it. But don't think that means you're free to climb the stairs into the attic, Y/n. It's off-limits. Well, then, goodnight."

Y/n: "Uh, Levi gave me a list of rules about that soundtrack. Should I share?"

Lucifer: "Ok?"

Y/n: "Don't sell it. Give it back when you're done. If you touch it, make sure to wipe off any fingerprints. And no eating potato chips and stuff when you handle it. It's super, super rare, so you better not lose any of the inserts or the sleeve or anything."

Lucifer: "..."

Y/n: "Cuddles?"

Lucifer: "Not tonight. I don't want to risk anything with this Vinyl."

Y/n: "Fine."

Y/n pouts as Lucifer pushes him out.

Lucifer: "Maybe Mammon or Beel."

Y/n: "They practically live in my room anyway."


Y/n: LuLu has forbidden me from going up the stairs. Is there a loophole? Wait if I climb the railing I wouldn't be climbing the stairs.

Y/n climbs the stairs.

Y/n: If he finds out I'll tell him I climbed the railing.

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