The Seven Brothers

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Lucifer: "Sounds like you had a nice chat."

Y/n: "Ehh. Can I color?"

Lucifer: "Not right now."

Y/n: "I would've preferred if you were to babysit me, LuLu."

Lucifer: "You look worried."

Diavolo: "If you were suddenly brought to a strange place and then told that an unfamiliar face will now take care of you, you'd certainly feel anxious."

Y/n: "Nah, he doesn't seem reliable."

Lucifer chuckles.

Diavolo: "Mammon isn't the only one to help you out. Now we need to introduce you to the others."

Y/n: "Bye, Dia!"

Diavolo: "Where are you going, kiddo?"

Y/n: "To go meet the others. Isn't rude to make them come to us?"

Lucifer: "No-"

???: "Oh come now. Really? You should be honored to introduce such a sweet and charming little brother like me!"

Y/n: *Whispering* "LuLu. Is he always that self-centered?"

Lucifer: "Yes. This is Asmodeus. He's the fifth born."

Y/n: "Asmodez."

Asmodeus: "Asmodeus."

Y/n: "Asmadeus."

Asmodeus: "Asmo is fine."

Lucifer: "He's the Avatar of Lust."

Asmodeus: "I can't believe you just totally ignored what I said! And not only that you called me this one!"

Y/n: "Did it knock you down a peg?"

Asmodeus: "What?!"

Y/n: "Eek!"

Y/n hides behind Diavolo since he is farther away from Asmodeus.

Lucifer: "He's ten Asmodeus. Give him a break."

???: "At least he didn't ignore you altogether. How do you think I feel?"

Lucifer: "This one is Satan. He's the fourth born. He may seem like a responsible demon with a good head on his shoulders, but looks can be deceiving."

Y/n: "You have a pretty hair color."

Satan: "Thanks, kid."

Y/n: "Are you sure he just never grew out of his teenage rebellion phase?"

Satan: "Aha, so I'm that one, am I. Nice to meet you kid. I'm Satan, Avatar of Wrath."

Y/n: "When you're as angry as you can get, about how much stronger are you, than now?"

Satan: "I don't know."

Lucifer: "Hmm?"

Y/n: "Avatar of Wrath."

Lucifer: "Basically sums up what he's about. He might flash you a pretty smile but be careful because it's all an act."

Satan: "If you keep saying things like that you're gonna scare the kid."

Y/n: "I have a name! It's Y/n. Thank you very much for using it."

Satan: "The sarcasm is strong in this one. Anyway, don't take him too seriously, Y/n. Lucifer enjoys speaking ill of his brother. He's the Avatar of Pride after all."

Lucifer: Are you done? Now the grumpy one over there is Beelzebub. He's the sixth eldest."

Y/n: "He's not grumpy! He's Hangry!"

Lucifer: "Hangry?"

Y/n: "A mixture of hungry and angry, Lulu!"

Beelzebub: "He's right. Lucifer, I'm hungry."

Lucifer: "Too bad. Now behave yourself."

Y/n: "I have a granola bar in my satchel."

Y/n digs into his bag and pulls out the food.

Y/n: "Here!"

Beelzebub: "Thanks. I'm Beelzebub, Avatar of Gluttony."

Y/n: "Beel-Zel-bub!"

Lucifer: "There's seven of us. Mammon-"

Y/n: "The kleptomaniac?"

Lucifer: "Yes, he's the second eldest of us. He'll be here soon. The others aren't here but you'll get to meet them later."

Diavolo: "So. Do we have a child curriculum, or?"

Lucifer: "This was your idea."

Y/n: "Why can't I stay with Lulu?"

Diavolo: "That's a great idea! He can keep you safe."

Y/n: "Huh?"

Lucifer: "Some demons don't want to be friends with people from the human world and individuals from the Celestial Realm, and might try to hurt you-"

Y/n: "Who wants to hurt a little kid?!"

Lucifer: "Yes, but it's just a safety precaution."

Diavolo: Yay! Ooo! I can set up a play date for him!

Lucifer: "No."

Diavolo: "Huh?"

Lucifer: "You're not setting him up a playdate."

Diavolo: "Oh man! Wait. How did you know what I was thinking?"

Y/n: "Huh?"

Lucifer: "Don't mind him. Also, I know all." It was the look he got.

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