A Private Conversation

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Diavolo: "...Well then, I suppose it's about that time."

Beel: "Aw... I'm still not done eating."

Satan: "I'd say you'd had enough."

Luke: "Just watching you is giving me heartburn..."

Lucifer: "Ignore him, Diavolo. Go ahead."

Diavolo: "All right then, here we go..."

Y/n's eyes widen. 

Solomon: "Suprised? Magic really does come in handy sometimes, huh?"

Luke: "We were the only ones here just a bit ago, but now look at all these people..."

Simeon: "They're all guests from across the Devildom, and there certainly are a lot of them."

Diavolo: "Well then, let the dance begin! Everyone enjoy yourselves!"

Mammon: "Are you going to dance with Luke, Y/n?"

Y/n: "No."

Lucifer picks Y/n up.

Y/n: "Eh?!"

Lucifer: "Do you know how to dance?"

Y/n: "Sadly, yes."

Lucifer: "Wonderful. Then I don't have to explain things. In general--"

Y/n cuts Lucifer off.

Y/n: "I've been alive long enough to know to ask you to get the point across in as few words as possible."

Lucifer: "What is it you're plotting with Asmo?"

Y/n: "Eh..?"

Lucifer: "Let me make one thing clear: I respect my brothers' freedom to do as they wish. However, if I ever sense you've become a threat to either Diavolo or us... then I will show you absolutely no mercy. Understood?"

Y/n: "I am ten years old. What am I going to do that will threaten you?"

Lucifer: "Good point."

Y/n: "Besides, I want to be good friends with all of you, Lucifer."

Lucifer: "Well that's not what I want."

Solomon intercepts and leads Y/n off.

Solomon: "...You look pale. Did Lucifer say something to you?"

Y/n: "Thanks for coming to my rescue there."

Solomon: "No need to thank me..."

Y/n tunes Solomon out until he thinks of a question.

Y/n: "How do you command a demon you've made a pact with?"

Solomon: "Good question... Everyone has some amount of magical power by nature. However, there are some people in which it actually manifests itself and some people in which it doesn't. And even among those in which it does, some have more of it than others. It varies based on the individual. Seeing how it doesn't manifest itself in you to begin with, even though you've made pacts with demons, you can't take command of their powers... Would you like me to lend you my power? Let's just say I'm curious--"

Y/n: "I don't care about you curiosity this sounds fun and dangerous of course I'd like that."

Solomon: "...There. I've put a spell on you. As of this moment, you have use of my powers for the next six hours. You... what am I going on about. You don't care."

Y/n is obviously in his own world imagining all of the things he could do.

Y/n: "I can light Lulu's coat on fire."

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