26 • New Year

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«The tree has feelings you know», Luna said with that feathery voice of hers. Even if she was angry she wouldn't raise her voice at me. However, she didn't really get angry, ever, come to think about it.

I sighed and tried to be more careful placing the ornaments, «so you've said», I muttered, «which is why we are out here in the cold doing this instead of inside... where it is warm».

Luna smiled while watching me be more gentle. Then she handed me another sparkly one shaped like a diamond. «It is better to let the trees stay where they are, it is their home», she replied and began digging through the dark blue bag we had carried with us. There was a large golden star embroidered into it.

«What about us? Why couldn't we stay were we were?», I complained and stood up on my tiptoes to put the sparkly ornament further up on a different branch, «you know, where it is warm». I tied the bright yellow scarf around my head one more time, protecting half my face from the cold. My lips had chapped and I cursed the winter for its relentless effect on my sensitive skin.

Luna's eyes widened and her lips curled into a smile, «I found it», she beamed and showed it to me, «if you're cold I can use a charm to-»

«No», I protested, then my heart dropped at the sight of the glass bunny in her hand, «no magic», I whispered, not able to take my eyes off of it.

«She loved this one», Luna smiled again, twirling the bunny in her grip, «see how the light reflects off of it when I do this?».

Just like she said the light flickered onto us as she twirled it. It was beautiful. I felt nauseous all of a sudden.

«Just put it up there», I whispered and cleared my throat, «don't break it».

Then the rustling of trees behind us startled me. I instantly looked over my shoulder, my heart hammering against my chest.

«Oh, it's you», I breathed in relief as I finally laid eyes on my father. For a moment his necklace had nearly blinded me as that too reflected the sunlight.

«Thought I'd find you somewhere in here», he pointed out and walked over to my sister. A smile appeared on his face as he observed her put the bunny on the tree. «Girls», he then said-

«Yes?», we unintentionally replied in unison.

«Let us do something different this year, hm?», he suggested, placing his arms around the two of us. I frowned and stepped aside, his arm sliding off. He didn't seem to react.

Luna gazed lovingly at him, «like what, father?»

Xeno's lips formed into a soft smile, but there was something to it that I hadn't seen before. As if he was nervous. «Well, a christmas party, of course», he spoke with forced confidence.

I raised an eyebrow, «since when do we attend parties? You don't even like people, Xeno».

Luna was beaming with joy, «I like parties».

He smiled at her visible happiness and ignored my lack thereof, «I went to the Ministry to apply for more capital. You know — like we talked about? We have to expand in order to increase our audience. If we deliver more and people read more, then we will earn more, see?»

Stars twinkled in Luna's eyes, her pale face accompanied by rose coloured cheeks.

«And?», I challenged.

«And I met with Lucius Malfoy», he continued, making my stomach churn, «he might be willing to invest in The Quibbler».

«He won't though», I pointed out, fairly confident in that.

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