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"here it is."

i point to the neon sign hanging above our heads, and the boys follow the lead and take a look. suna shrugs and looks towards the twins, awaiting their reaction. "dirty martini." osamu reads the sign. "that's the one."

they walk ahead of us and suna waits behind, walking in slightly behind me. as soon as we walk in, i'm glad i noticed the place. the inside isn't too crowded but it might get busier considering it's still somewhat early. our tour starts in two days, and, as per, we decided to go out and explore the city before going on stage.

the four of us get to the bar, and the bartender greets us. osamu orders the first round, getting us all our usual drinks. as the guy behind the bar starts to make our drinks, i feel suna lean closer to me. "don't be asking this guy for his number now."

"even if you weren't together, she's probably still traumatised from the last time that happened." osamu pipes up, and i smack his bicep with the back of my arm. i will never live that down.

"yeah well, if i hadn't then his boyfriend - who need i remind you is a big fan of ours - wouldn't have had the day of his life." i tell them, trying my best to make light of the situation, despite the only memory of the situation being embarassment.

"whatever you need to tell yourself, darling." suna mutters beside me and continues watching the bartender work.

the twins' drinks are made first and they take their cups and go on a mission to find us a table to sit at. i watch them walk away, and turn a corner. i wait for atsumu's usual action of popping his head around the corner with a thumbs up. as predicted, it's not long before i see his body pop back around, with his thumb in the air and a grin. suna and i acknowledge this, and then turn back to the bartender as he finishes up our drinks.

suna's drink is placed in front of him, and we watch as the bartender works on my cocktail. "why can't you be an on the rocks type of person? your cocktails always take so long to make." the bartender laughs at his comment, and i send him a sideways look.

"because they're a hell of a lot nicer. obviously." i tell him, and look away. he shrugs, obviously not being cultured enough to enjoy a strawberry daiquiri.

we don't converse for another second, and suna moves closer, wrapping his arms around me and resting his chin on the top of my head. i watch as the bartender pours my drink into a glass and i thank him, taking the drink. just as we turn around, someone familiar walks through the entrance, and his partner's face is very quick to find us.

bokuto's face lights up, and he visibally straightens. he takes a deep breath and shakes off the excitement, looking towards akaashi who gestures his head towards us with a small shake. i'd messaged akaashi the day before letting him know we'd be in town a few days before the show and asked if he wanted to bring bokuto along for an evening out.

the latter obviously wasn't aware that we would be here, and i had been warned that the boy might be too much to deal with, but i assured akaashi that i had had my fair share of crazier fans.

bokuto stops in front of me and suna, grinning from ear to ear, but failing to speak. he's flailing his arms around up and down gesturing from me and suna, still speechless. akaashi joins his side, and places an arm on his shoulder. "i think what he's trying to say is oh my god, i love you guys so much, hello."

suna shares a handshake with akaashi, and i look to bokuto who is now just standing there with his mouth agape. "hi, bokuto."

the boy clamps his mouth shut all of a sudden and narrows his eyes at me. i follow suit and mimic his facial expression. he then looks to akaashi, who is smiling at him, sweetly. "did you know there were going to be here?"

"yes, i did." he tells him, and suna and i just watch the interaction.

"how could you? i didn't even have the chance to prepare something, and now i'm just stood here like an idiot?" bokuto huffs, crossing his arms and turning away from akaashi.

the latter sighs, and looks at us, almost apolagetically. "sorry, he gets like this. you guys go meet up with the twins, and we'll join you in a sec?"

"sure thing, bro." suna raises his glass towards him and takes a step towards where atsumu had gestured they found a table.

"we're just around the corner." i tell them, mainly akaashi, and then follow suna to the twins.

we take a seat when we find them, and place our drinks down. i'd told everyone on the way here that i had invited akaashi and bokuto, so everyone was aware that we would have company and they were all fine with it. not that it matters, i would have easily ditched them and just spent time with the other two, if i had to.

"what took you guys so long?" atsumu complains, and i look down to his drink to see it already half empty.

"bokuto and akaashi came in." suna tells them, and osamu exclaims in acknowledgement.

"good thing we got the booth." atsumu scoffs at his brothers reply and looks at me.

"i told him to get the booth, don't listen to him."

"sure thing, tsumu." i take a sip of my drink and then grab the menu that's sitting at the end fo the table. i read through it as the boys converse, and then after a second i hear a voice call out.

"Y/N!" i look to the right and see bokuto rushing towards us. he stops at the end of the table, before sitting down and looks at all of us one by one. "i can't believe this is happening. i feel like i'm dreaming."

"sit down, bokuto." i tell him, and he does as i say, taking a seat in front of me. akaashi is following behind him with two drinks in either hand. he places them down on the table before taking a seat beside bokuto.

i look at the drinks he put down and point to them, looking at suna. "look at that suna. cocktails."


TAKE A LOOK AT MY GFSHE'S THE ONLY ONE I GOTalso didnt proof read this sos

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also didnt proof read this sos

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