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talk fast
5 seconds of summer



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bathroom bff

did u make it

yes ofc i did
i had to fight my way to a ticket but i got it

ur amazing

when are u on

just over an hour
we're backstage rn

they just opened the doors
these people are fierce
shoving and shit

just shove back

oh dont worry i am

i wouldnt expect any less from u

i am seeing u play if its the last thing i do

ur my fav fan

ur my fav drummer

will u be close to the stage

prob not
but i have a big ass sign that u cant miss

girl i thought u were joking

absolutely not
i am serious ab my support for u

u get better by the hour

the boys and i were all seated backstage, waiting for the show to start.

to kill time, atsumu suggested we play a few games of uno. despite all three of us protesting, he pulled out the deck of cards and began shuffling them. we had played uno before, and the result always ended with someone giving the rest of the band the silent treatment.

i had distinctly mentioned that doing this before a show was a bad idea, but he wasn't interested. at all.

currently, suna had won 3 games, osamu had won 4 and atsumu had won 6. i had won 2.

"why the frown, y/n?" suna comments, placing down a +4 card. "it's not like you're losing. oh wait."

i don't pick up the cards, right away. instead i opt to send suna a smile that was far from genuine. atsumu takes it upon himself to hand out the top four cards from the pile, and place them in front of me.

"green, please. and also uno."

osamu scoffs, and places down a wild card. "not a chance. red."

"bro, you just did me such a solid, thank you." atsumu says, placing down a block card.

as i pout, looking down at my extra cards, i silently thank suna. "osamu, i hope you have room for four more." i place down the +4 card and change the colour to yellow.

as osamu silently picks up his cards from the pile, atsumu begins to laugh. "this has to be my luckiest day." after placing down his final card, he jumps up and claps his hands. "another one for the win!"

"you didn't say uno." suna mutters, and takes two cards from the pile lifting them up to atsumu.

"oh, you gotta be kidding me." he sits back down, and looks at the two cards in his hands.

"that's embarrassing, bro." osamu comments, just as someone walks into the room behind us.

"you're up."

we all acknowledge the words, and look back to the game at hand. osamu places his cards on the ground and stands. "well i guess that's it on that. i can't believe atsumu got the most wins."

"i am just that good."

"you are just that good at forgetting to say uno." suna also follows suite and places his card down making his way to grab his guitar.

i shrug at atsumu and ditch the game, heading for my drumsticks that had been on the couch while we played. atsumu makes a comment about still having won the most games, and then he and suna begin to bicker.

i walk up to osamu's side and we watch them from a distance. "it's a wonder how we manage to get on stage on time, with the two of them."

i nod in agreement, and then the two join us by the door. "what's with the looks?" suna asks, resting his hand over his guitar.

"don't worry about it." i tell him, smiling at him sweetly and beginning to make my way to the stage.

the rest of the boys follow me and we pause, like always, listening to the crowd from the side of the stage. "well now i'm worrying." suna is saying.

i shrug at him, not wanting to get into a conversation with him just before going on stage. it would bug me the whole time knowing we didn't finish it before starting the set.

for the show, this time, the boys would go onto stage individually, starting with osamu. he takes a stand at his microphone and greets the crowd. introducing suna and then atsumu, the three of them begin to chat on stage.

"before she comes on stage, i would like to apologise for the bitterness that will no doubt be radiating from our drummer." i roll my eyes as osamu begins my introduction. "give it up for the worst uno player of the band, it's y/n!"

i jog up to my drumset and take a seat. "i was going easy on them, they have fragile egos." i speak into the microphone and the crowd laughs and cheers.

osamu says something else to the crowd, talking about this being our last show, and i take the time to scan the crowd.

just as she'd promised, saeko was holding up a sign that had words written on it in neon pink highlighter. as i read the words, i don't stop my laugh.

i don't know any of ur songs,
i'm here for the drummer.

"we're starting the night off with a fan favourite, this is talk fast."

the crowd cheers loudly as osamu begins strumming the opening chords to the song and soon after my drums follow.

"i don't wanna think about a moment with you, i'm kinda hoping for forever."

the crowd sings along and i let the sound of their cheers take over as my limbs find their rhythm.

the crowd sings along and i let the sound of their cheers take over as my limbs find their rhythm

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a/n: i need someone to support me like saeko supports her fav drummer

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