Bullet #20: Interesting discovery and idea of ​​retribution

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All my clothes are black with blood, it's not very pleasant to walk around the streets like this. Having transformed the ZF into water, I poured a copious amount of it on myself, and given the local cold, I instantly became stiff. Afterwards I returned my warming field. I may have removed the black color from the clothes, but still, the grayish tint remained. Okay, time to contact the boatman.

- Charon, can you hear me?

- *Yes, I can hear you perfectly, what do you need?*

- Tell me, do devils have any kind of super-regeneration?

- *I've never heard of this, why are you asking such a question?*

- They just almost killed me...

- *Who ?*

- Servants of Freezadon. They knocked me out and cut me into six pieces, but I still survived and recovered. I had never seen this before with other devils; they only died from one shot to the head, but what's wrong with me?

 I had never seen this before with other devils; they only died from one shot to the head, but what's wrong with me?

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- *... let me think...*

What else can you think about? Wasn't it you who gave me this power? Don't you know how it works?

- *I think I understand...*

- Well ?

- *You killed yourself differently.*

- Translation ?

- *I'll explain using the example of an ordinary demon, of which there are plenty in hell. When a demon reaches a certain level of development, he turns into a devil. This process is extremely painful, and they understand absolutely nothing, they are like rabid animals. So, before transforming, a demon must choose a "core point" in his body, that is, a place-center of regeneration. As long as the core is intact, the devil can calmly regenerate; during his rampage, the demon can hit absolutely any point of his body and it will become the core. However, their main problem is that they never choose the brain, but it is this organ that is responsible for regeneration.*

- Wait, you said that the core is responsible for regeneration.

- *Not only that. The core simply gives a command to the brain that it needs to activate regeneration in such and such a place, after which the whole process occurs. After your headshots, the connection is broken. A signal comes from the core that the brain needs to be restored, but the brain is turned off and cannot do anything, which is why the devils die.*

- What about me?

- *Everything is more interesting with you. When you already became the devil and simply chose your form, you chose the brain as your core, trying to shoot at it. Thus your core and brain are one. Accordingly, you regenerate better than others. You can even restore your brain*

- So, you want to say that now I am invulnerable and immortal?

- *Absolutely not. You can be killed if someone completely destroys your brain. But if someone hits only part of it, everything will be fine.*

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