Bullet #12: Implementation(part 2)

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My ZF began to fade, It won't last that long, considering that I borrowed it.

- Defeat is already waiting for you! After we hand you over, defeated, into the hands of Lord Alzur, we will all definitely be promoted!

- And what does this promotion give you?

- Um... what does it give us?

- I have no idea, major, what do you think about this, colonel?

- I don't have the slightest idea.

I'm surprised they were so successful in the rank at all. Although, apparently, the title does not give them anything... The three commanders gathered in a circle and began to discuss something amicably and furiously... The "Rain of Blades" stopped.And they don't care about it at all, okay, then I'll mind my own business.I ran around all the demons that were on the ground, simultaneously firing at them with pistols.The demon troops on earth were defeated, but the sky still needs to be cleared... I shot at them with pistols with a pre-formed silencer, so those three idiots did not hear me. With the same success, I freed the airspace from the demons, great, now the planes can fly calmly.I tried to eat the wings of one of the demons in order to gain the ability to fly, but nothing worked, I didn't even get an increase in strength.Most likely, I can only absorb animals, although I can drink the blood of demons and devils, becoming stronger, but I cannot get the ability from them, well, it's unfortunate.The entire military base is almost in ruins and corpses, and these talkers still won't calm down...

-Are you going to fight, or do you not care anymore?

- Of cour- WHAT? Why are all the demons dead?

- Well, you know, this happens when you get distracted during a fight...

- Brat, you won't get away with this! "Rain of Blades"!

- Again ?

Blades fell on me again, this is already dragging on, I'm no longer interested in playing with them. I ran to the side of the affected area and made a couple of shots from Barrett.

Hit points: Mayro: heart, cerebellum. Bidur: left lung, right kidney, right side of the upper jaw. Kharif: left and right hand, right foot.

I don't need the first two, besides, their abilities are quite dangerous, unlike Kharif.He's the most harmless one, and I need some information from him, so I'll leave him alive. I shot from a fairly close distance, so, unable to withstand the energy of the bullets, the parts of the body that hit me were simply torn to pieces.

- Aaagh! Damn you ! It hurts, bitch. I wish Lord Alzur would kill you slowly and painfully!

The major's mortal one-legged body lay cursing me from head to toe with often incomprehensible hellish speech.

- Major, if I were you, I wouldn't show off too much. Your comrades are already lying either shot through or torn to pieces, and believe me, it won't be difficult for me to repeat the same with you. I am interested in several questions and I would like to get answers from you.If the answer to the question seems unreliable to me, I will fuck you with the spear of one of those dead demons, and so on until you die from "devilish" pleasure, do you understand everything?


- Wonderful. Question #1: What are the essence of your abilities, and how do you get them?

-W-w-we get them as soon as we turn from demons into devils, this is a natural process. The ability is completely random!

- Then question #2: Can other devils get this ability? For example, eat some part of the body of a defeated person?

- As far as I know, abilities are not given by eating each other, however, someone can transfer them at their own request, and so, to strengthen you can only drink blood...

- The answer is bad, where is that spear?

- Wait, wait, I'm telling the truth, there is no other way out!

- OK; Question #3: how do I get to Alzur's Castle? And tell me, what kind of resistance will I meet there?

- Looking at the core, look to the left, there is the exit from the base, and there you will see the main entrance, in the castle itself the weapons are minimal, since almost all the troops were gathered for your destruction, but...

- ...but I killed them all.

- Yes, that's right, that's all I know.

- Is there a back entrance to the castle?

- No, only the front door. Can I ask a question ?

- Yes, I allow it.

- What will happen to me, will you let me go?

- What a stupid question! You tried to kill me, you gave me all the information you knew, which means you became useless. I mean, I can do whatever I want with you.

I walked to the nearest corpse of the demon and took the spear from his hand. Quickly realizing what would happen to him now, Kharif decided to attempt to escape. Bending like a caterpillar and supporting himself with his only remaining leg, he began to crawl away from me, leaving behind a trail of his own blood.

- You'll never fucking learn...

With a leisurely step, I approached the major crawling away from me, with one foot I pressed his back to the ground, and with the other, his leg. Only the sweetest remains.Weapon used: ZF-conducted spear.

Hit points: anus.

As I thrust the spear in and out, I heard a beautiful melody consisting of screams, pain, blood, drool and a couple of other slightly unpleasant items. After a couple of minutes, this show stopped and Major Kharif died from pain and blood loss. He will obviously have something to remember after his resurrection from the crucible.So, the army is defeated, and there's nothing more for me to do here, although... I stayed for an hour to drink the blood of everyone lying here. I admit, devils have purer and tastier blood than demons, but power shouldn't have any taste, so I had to endure it. My next stop: the main boss of the zone: Alzur...

- But first: I'll take that wine from the tent.

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