Bullet #10: Exam(part 1)

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- Lord Alzur, there are news about the "white".

- Speak up, General.

- Over the past thirty cycles, we have closely monitored our subject. All this time he was hunting local animals. We noticed a strange pattern in his actions...

- What pattern?

- He ate some body parts from every creature he killed. We couldn't understand why he was doing this. His strength had grown to dangerous levels. What do you want me to do?

- If you think he is truly dangerous, gather a squad and kill him.

- Yes sir !

- And one more thing: bring me his head.

- As you order, sir.


It's been over a month since I died. And all this time I was hunting for very dangerous inhabitants of the territory of Alzur, that is the name of one of the First Twelve. He represents hunger in hell. On his territory, torture takes place in the form of eternal wanderings through the desert, always affected by the sultry heat and specially imposed feelings of hunger and thirst. Although souls do not need water and food, here they feel the need for it. Kagor told me all this. But one thing interested me: in my world there is a belief in the existence of the four horsemen of the apocalypse, and among them was Famine. When I asked the blacksmith about this, he said that such a thing does not exist. By the way, during the first days I worked with Kagor, my suit was sinked with black blood and cut by Friral, with my request he returned it to its original appearance.

All this time the hunt was very monotonous. The creatures didn't pose too much of a threat. They were of greater interest when there were several of them. Kagor sent me to different parts of the wasteland, where a wide variety of creatures lived: giant scorpions, dragonflies, a pair of crocodiles and several dinosaurs. And to my question where they came from, Kagor answered: "They died out and they were redirected here." Somehow disappointing... You lived for yourself, fought for survival, and still, after death, you were assigned to hell.

By eating them I only got an increase in physical parameters. I didn't get any new abilities. Most likely this is due to the fact that I am already quite well-rounded, and the skills I receive are too weak for me to notice them.

- Will there be more tasks?

- No, the local beasts won't harm you anymore. They are no longer suitable for your training.

- Then what should I do?

- Listen... I created something for you without your knowledge. Take it.

Kagor leaned into one of his drawers near the workbench for a second and pulled out an HK G36. An automatic rifle developed in 1997, but still used by European countries. Uses the 5.56x45 NATO cartridge.

- Um, thank you, but since the animals are no longer suitable for me, can I go to Alzur with this machine gun? Are you hinting at this?

- No, first you must defeat his main confidant - General Ward.

- What's special about it?

-You'll see when you meet-

*Bdoom* *Bdoom* *Bdoom*

- What is this?! The whole cave is shaking.

- We were attacked.

Cliché: as soon as they remember about someone mysterious, he immediately appears. This happens too often in books and TV shows, which is very annoying. I bet one 100'000 yen that Ward is waiting for me at the exit of the cave.

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