Bullet #14: A labyrinth of corridors and new territories

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Alzur's blood was tastier than usual; he clearly loved sweets, or this is a taste of power ?; I dunno. Now these possessions have lost their owner, it's time to clean out his storage, maybe I'll find something interesting?

- Um, sorry, sir...

Those two succubi who were "serving" Alzur approached me. I wonder what they want from me?

- What do you want?

- Sir, you killed our master, it turns out that now we are at your disposal...

- I refuse.

- What...?

- I don't need you. I don't need your services. Consider that you are free, go wherever you want!

Indignation and misunderstanding were clearly visible on the faces of these perverts. Apparently, they were expecting to take advantage of me somehow, and their plan just failed. They hurriedly left the hall, with a slight look of fear.

I myself felt an incredible surge of power. Alzur helped me become stronger. Kagor told me that Alzur is one of the weakest of the First Twelve, which automatically makes absorbing his powers an important element of further advancement.

I'll go and look around the castle, you'll see if I'll find some treasury or something more interesting.I wandered around the castle for quite a long time. Although the corridors were quite spacious, still after 20 long minutes of wandering through them, the walls began to press on me. Finally, I found some kind of door on which there was an inscription with some hieroglyphs that were incomprehensible to me. Most likely, this is the language of hell, although outwardly it resembles a mixture of Georgian, Arabic and Chinese writing. I went inside; it was a huge darkened room. The only lighting in it was a couple of lamps and table lamps. The devils were using the table lamps, carefully counting something, until I entered. The lamps were aimed at a huge safe door, just like Scrooge McDuck's in the bank. Memories from childhood came flooding back to me when I actively watched this series on TV. There was no Japanese voice acting back then, so you had to watch it in English with subtitles. Oh, I got distracted...

- Is this the Alzur's vault, right?

- Who are you and what are you doing here? I'm going to call for guardians!

- Your guards won't do anything to me, sit still, don't bother yourself.

- Whatever you intend to do here, Lord Alzur will not let you get away with this.

- Your Lord Alzur is now lying dead in the throne room. If someone wants to be convinced, go and check. Truth, he will look a little different, but oh well, that doesn't matter to you anymore.

After my words, everyone became quiet at once. Didn't they hear those explosions from the hall? Or have I climbed so deep into the castle that they can't hear from here?

- In any case, is this a storage room, a safe?

- Y-yes, you're right.

- Great, and what is my balance?

- Zero.

- What the hell?

- Lord Alzur spent his last money and treasures on residual weapons, renovation of the castle, purchase of weapons...

- In general, it's clear that everything went into service with the army.

- Not really. Only 28% of Lord Alzur's savings were spent on all of the above; he spent the rest on custom-made succubus and elite wines, the last bottles of which he emptied yesterday.

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