Bullet #15: Beastly cold and a mysterious girl

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It's too cold in here, what the fuck? The heat doesn't affect me, but the cold does? Why such injustice? There's also no jacket, Kagor didn't even think of warning me about the cold... Okay, apparently there's no other way out.
I generated a ZF around me with a slight addition of the element of fire. It has become a little warmer, but this field will not last long, I should hurry, but where to run?There is emptiness all around. Snow, ice, snow, snow, more snow, and nothing more. Okay, it's worth running at least somewhere, otherwise I will freeze in a while... Having chosen a random direction, I ran forward at all power, without weakening the ZF.
Among the endless snowy wastelands that surrounded me, glaciers and frozen lakes and icebergs were clearly visible in the distance, breaking the thick ice covering the reservoirs with their movement. During my life I always wanted to visit the Arctic, I wanted to see the local snowy locations of eternal winter, in the vastness of which one could meet seals, walruses, arctic foxes, polar bears and other inhabitants of the "white carpet", which I am unlikely to see here. You might ask, why the Arctic and not Antarctica? And I will answer: I am afraid of penguins. These black and white huge birds make strange sounds, slowly striding with their strange gait. Their actions are simply impossible to predict, which is why they are frightening; besides, there are a lot of them.
While I was running, I noticed some strange structure, apparently made of snow. It was somewhat reminiscent of an igloo-type structure. There's no harm in exploring. When I went inside, I felt the heat, so I removed the ZF... It was quite warm here, unlike the street. There was nothing remarkable inside this structure: ordinary white walls, in the middle of which there was a hole, half a meter in diameter, from which steam was oozing in incredible volumes. I decided to put my hand over the hole, but immediately removed it, as I felt something reminiscent of the state when your hand is burned by the flame of a bonfire. As I understand it, this building is something like a warming pocket, especially for wanderers like me.
I wonder what kind of geyser is this?And what kind of steam is this? Hot Springs ? I wouldn't mind taking a steam bath if there was a suitable place, but it's obviously not here...Having restored energy for the ZF and returned the warming field, I set off to further explore the wasteland.
After some time, not far from me, I heard strange voices. Several rather rude male ones and one... female? What should a succubus do in such a place? Okay, I'll go and have a look. Not far from the location of the sources of these voices, I decided not to attract attention to myself and move quietly, on my haunches. Apparently I'm on a fairly high hill, it's better to lie down then. Crawling forward, I reached the edge of the hill from which I could see down.
Among the snowdrifts, I noticed three unknown people in dark armor and red oni-shaped masks and a girl in light winter clothes. Although the girl was clearly a resident of the underworld, unlike other creatures that I saw here, she didn't have horns. White, European face, black hair, height - 173 cm. For now, that's all I could say about her. Although no, there was something else: she had different eyes; no, not heterochromia, but different eyes. In relation to me, her right eye was white with a red iris, while her left eye was black, while the iris had a silver tint with a slight hint of blue.
- Tell me where the crystals are that you stole, thief!

- I don't know about any crystals, leave me alone!

- If you don't want to answer, we will knock this information out of you by force.

- Try it.

Three oni-demons attacked the girl, holding their energy spears. Predictably, the instigator of this conflict did not stand idle and also pulled out two spears, one in each hand. Of course, I know about the style of fencing with two swords, but this is the first time I've seen the style of two spears.
One spear, with a larger tip, looked like an ordinary metal one and was even somewhat similar to what ordinary demons used, but the second spear was much smaller than the first and had a bright blue tint. It seems that she isn't a succubus...

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