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A lone figure stood in silence amidst an open field, pondering the true cost of it all.

A regal figure rose, his name known to many in Falmart. "Our empire has endured for centuries, weathering great adversities. We have faced setbacks, but our strength endures. The empire is not weak; with each fall, we rise again, reclaiming victory!"

A man approached the podium, his face flushed with anger. "Gentlemen, this attack on our country is unacceptable. We must retaliate swiftly. This single assault has humiliated our glorious military. We are not only dealing with the foolish Cinyans but also with barbarians. Val Charteria!"

Amidst the senate, a man rose from his seat, one of its senators shouting profanities. "Are you all a bunch of cowards? When the Arctic War started, did we cower? No, we did not! We faced those barbarians again and again, showing the true might of the Empire!"

Amidst endless fire, a fortress stood strong as wave after wave of soldiers fell. Stones were hurled against its walls, yet they never broke. Fireballs, born of unseen magic, rained down upon it, but still it stood.

Until it finally broke.

In a dark and dreary atmosphere, a man was dragged forth into its depths. "So you're willing to betray everything just for them?" the interrogator sneered. "This estate, your allegiance-it's all in jeopardy now, Mister. But we have an agreement, don't we? And rest assured, your daughter shall be taken care of... quite carefully."

Metal wagons continued their approach, carrying men with great experience in battling monsters.

Brave warriors, who had previously faced the Rabbit tribe, fell with ease against this new foe.

Yet all was not lost, as a hit from one of the enhanced scorpions destroyed it, halting its advance. However, there was more to come, as the ground shook violently.

As Gates arrived, destined to alter the very fabric of a continent from within, a nation long entrenched in their superiority found themselves confronted with the great unknown. Questions loomed large, whispered by the winds of change, and blood spilled by the thousands painted the canvas of uncertainty.

AN: Highly recommended you skip Chapter One thats all.

Gate: Operation AlastairWhere stories live. Discover now