Storming Alnus

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Disclaimer I do not own any of the characters from gate nor any of its bs its just Erdia and the concept of the nations within it

27th of Esvallia 1915.
Camp Spearhead, 8:08pm.

Second Lieutenant Jason Duar observed the imposing magical structure, reflecting on the events of the past five hours since their mobilization.

Since then, they had been stuck with their armored transport, awaiting orders to proceed.

Everyone in his unit was well aware of it. Their unit had been relatively fortunate, encountering only a cavalry force and scouts since Gloni.

As they were about to enter the special region, his section captain scrutinized each and every one of them, a total of ten soldiers.

Section Captain Falro, who was close to his age of 20, had served in the previous war, much like the Brigadier.

However, his build made him look thin, with a height of 5'6". On the other hand, there was First Lieutenant Vinra.

Captain Falro stared at us all with seriousness as he spoke, "I know our unit has been lucky, but once we're called to move out, there won't be turning back." His words carried a solemn weight that resonated among us all.

After that warning, they heard the shouts of the officers commanding them to move out. Nervous, Duar tightened his grip on his rifle.

He had been there during the cleanup, an experience that had scarred him deeply. Yet, he was pulled back by his friend, Master Sergeant Tulong.

Looking at him with concern, he asked, "Hey Duar, you might want to calm down. Just try to breathe deeply, inhale, exhale, okay? No-" I didn't hear what he would say as the roar of the landship reverberated throughout the camp.

As the column of armor advanced alongside the marines, I watched the engines of the front trucks start up, signaling the beginning of our movement.

Feeling a tap from behind, he glanced back to see the worried face of his friend.

Duar assured him he was fine, but now the column of armored cars began their movement through the gate.

And their column was next, entering the gate felt like descending into an endless abyss, with only the front and back trucks visible to us.

Surrounded by the endless darkness, it felt like an eternity before were finally able to see the moon.

Yet the sounds of battle rang in our ears as our section captain, Falro, looked back, giving his instructions.

I watched as Corporal Quiv, our driver, shouted for us to disembark. "Get out of my truck! Here's your stop. I better see you lads back."

With that, we followed our captain as we left our transports, with other sections doing the exact same thing.

With support from our landships and armored cars, my section continued our push on foot until we finally reached Point Wallrock.

I noticed the marines not far from our own, and one of their section captains approached. He introduced himself as Section Captain Keller.

Section Captain Keller spoke urgently to our own Section Captain. "If I'm correct, you're Section Captain Falro. Now, I want your men to move to that side. We've got damning reports from the undersquad that they're encountering mages there, taking them out!" he shouted.

With a nod, we began moving towards our new objectives, along with other sections.

The fighting would be brutal, as I saw a private hit by a fireball, incinerating the unfortunate man instantly.

Gate: Operation AlastairDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora