A Looming Disaster

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Disclaimer I do not own any of the characters from gate nor any of its bs its just Erdia and the concept of the nations within it

Saderan POV

Tribune Rogelius was well known among the ranks of the Imperial army as well as to its enemies. He is known to be one of the best riders among the wyvern corp. It's also well-known that to serve under him is to survive, as he was one of their best commanders with low losses as opposed to others.

But now he had lost most of the men under him, and it had been devastating. Out of the nearly one hundred Wyvern riders under him, only fifty remained. But according to his observations from the sky, it had been clear that the barbarians had been mobilizing a counter-attack.

While some may not take this seriously, right now the Imperial Saderan Army had all their forces out of the chokepoint that was the gate. So when they began their invasion, they were forced to split their forces into 20,000 each army went to north, south, west, and east, with another 20,000 left at the gate under the command of Legate Marius.

Further to the north, they were faced with little resistance at the beginning, yet as the Imperial army further pushed north, they began encountering brutal resistance before finally halting. The west Army found another camp, taking more slaves, yet still little loot to be found. However, they were met with the same resistance, and the Legate in charge did not continue further.

Meanwhile, the eastern Army headed east, finding another camp and taking slaves. However, they found similar resistance to the southern advance. Senator Godasen and Legion Legate Vescio were both arguing on whether they should split the Imperial Army to continue to push south by passing the fortress or continue the siege.

However, with the information brought by Tribune Rogelius, they had to split. It was decided that Legate Vescio would take 20,000 Legionaries along with Tribune Rogelius' Wyvern to intercept the barbarian Army.

With this said, the Imperial logistics had been shredded due to just how spread out they were. However, foragers were able to find deceitful food.

Legate Vescio would encounter the 88th Light Reaction Force Regiment (88th LRFR), 7th Esliledian Guard Regiment (7th EGR), along with the support of the 17th Ashard Marine Regiments (17th AMR).

The battle for the town of Gloni began with the 88th LRFR reinforcing the town, sending in scouts and waiting for others to soon arrive.

Imperial wyvern Corp spotted said 88th LRFR and fell back to report, with orders gained by the end of the day, the imperial force began to prepare for an assault.

With Imperial Cavalry sent forward under the command of Centurion Esdras, their goals were to test the defenders.

In their ensuing attack, most of their Riders were killed from accurate machine-gun fire and later a countercharge from 88th LRFR Dragoons, Along with killing Centurion Esdras.

This left the imperial with little cavalry left, forcing them to utilize the Wyvern to keep an eye.

By the third day, the Imperials had gathered and finished constructing catapults, however, observations from the wyvern Riders indicated that the Barbarian Reinforcement had arrived.

Legate Vescio, warned by many especially by count formal, saw and ordered for them to begin digging to construct Trenches along with barricades not far from the town.

To add to the increasing dread by the legate Vescio, A series of attacks had left many of the men unwilling to continue further construction of the battlement.

The legates biggest fear had been the devastating magic used by the barbarians, it had very much forced them to rely upon skirmishers.

At night the Barbarians made their first move as all of the sudden explosions rang throughout the rank killing many that were still in their tents.

Legionaries panicked as they desperately tried to form a torsio formation, yet the Legate Vescio had ordered for them to scatter.

By the end of that night of hell, he finally got the report, 20,000 men he had brought had been reduced by barbarian magic down to just 5,000.

Adding only to his increasing dread, Just after the attack reports came from the Wyvern captain Left him alarmed.

Gathering his most senior officer, the remaining nobles Count Formal had been the first to propose they withdraw as it became clear that they won't stand a chance.

Yet Tribune Vernal rallied that they should attack the barbarians, which finally motivated the rest to attack them.

The wyvern maintained observation when the sudden appearance of wooden dragons surprised them.

Killing two riders yet the agility of the wyverns gave them much advantage, but they had nothing to attack with but to get close.

And that would be a death wish as the barbarian magic proved far deadly the closer they got.

It was clear that no matter what they do they wouldn't outrun them, and so a decision was reached by the legate to send back to Senator Godasen the remaining Wyvern riders.

The legate acted quickly ordering the remaining legionaries to dig trenches while what remained of the archers were to man their trenches.

From here his best bet of at least killing them would be-

A brutal scream could be heard; the legionary affected couldn't see as he screamed in pain.

By hardy what a cruel fate shouted the one his centurion as he headed closer yet began to be affected.

That white cloud, it was deadly as the legate acted again, this time ordering that they not come close.

Hours upon hours his men fell one by one sudden explosion force them into their trenches that they themselves had dug that would be for an entire day.

By night hell had stopped, and they heard it as the enemy cavalry charged yet the will to fight had been shattered.

Those that did were cut down on the spot, and with how their spirits were broken by the terrifying weapons of those barbarians, the battle had ended for them.

After Action Battle Report or (AABR)

Colonel of the 7th Esliledeo Guard Regiment.

Enemy dragons proved widely resilient in engaging our biplanes far faster; our Force had successfully forced the Barbarians to surrender with no losses.

However, we hadn't fought them in any combat, besides the heavy use of combined Light and heavy artillery.

The White Proset proved effective in destroying Barbarian Moral; soon, we shall retake Fort Gloni.



Biplanes: 3

Injured: 23

Died: 7


Wyvern: 6

Imperial Cavalry: 1,000

Imperial Archers: 2,354

Imperial Army: 15,682

Total: 18,036

Captured: 1,960

Fled: 4

Erdian Months/Earth Months

Maybe anther three or four chapters before we make it to falmart

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