A Stepping Stone For Our Conquest

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Disclaimer I do not own any of the characters from gate nor any of its bs its just Erdia and the concept of the nations within it

14 of Esvallia, 1915
Special Region

The day had been particularly confusing for Brigadier Manroe. The sudden shift in strategy from an offensive goal to a more conservative action had left him and his staff bewildered.

Instead of attacking the enemy's weak points, they were now tasked with war relief efforts, a sudden change that caught them off guard.

It had been two days since the order came, and navigating through enemy territory while avoiding wyverns had been a challenging endeavor.

Now, as they arrived at Fort Yeirfa, they were ordered to change equipment, and Manroe was summoned to meet with Colonel Carl Sol Rocha.

"Don't be too down, Brigadier," the colonel said casually as he sipped his tea.

Manroe nodded, his frustration evident. "Was it their decision? They can't just change our orders like that," he questioned, glaring at the colonel.

"Indeed they can. But everything here is subject to Watch's bureaucracy," Colonel Rocha replied, nodding in agreement. He then handed Manroe a new report, detailing the recent developments.

"The Saderan policy seems to be scorched earth, but High Command's decision scared them enough to make this change. However, we can turn it into an advantage," Rocha explained as Manroe read the report.

"So, instead of staying put, Command sees this as an opportunity for war relief efforts in the Special Region, aiding the people of Falmart, regardless of their origin," Rocha concluded bluntly.

Manroe raised a skeptical eyebrow. "But won't this strain our own resources?" he asked.

The colonel nodded, acknowledging the concern. "That's where the alliance comes in. Marshal made an agreement with them, though I'm not privy to the details," he admitted before retrieving another document from his drawer.

"This document outlines our major movements, the costs, and the casualties incurred," Rocha explained, pointing out the relevant details. "We could have continued spearheading deeper into Saderan territory, but the risks outweigh the benefits."

Manroe was taken aback by the depth of information presented. "Where did you get all of this?" he inquired, noticing a hint of a smile on the colonel's face.

"Courtesy of the Watch. They unearthed a wealth of information from the prisoners," Rocha revealed, leaving Manroe momentarily stunned.

Their discussion continued for another hour, focusing on the logistics of the brigade's war relief task. They deliberated on supply routes, deployment regions, and the location of their headquarters.

By the end of the meeting, the plan was clear: the 5th Esliledeo Guard Regiment 2nd Brigade would focus on war relief efforts until further notice, with detachments being dispatched to Italica and beyond.


15 of Esvallia,1915
5th Esliledeo Guard Regiment
2nd Brigade, 3rd Detachment, 1st Company, 7th Section.

Second Lieutenant Jason Duar couldn't help but wonder who in the 1st Company their Section Captain Falro had managed to anger.

He let out a sigh of relief as the wagon they were traveling in had been fitted with suspension, sparing them from the discomfort of bumps along the remote terrain.

Their journey had been far from what they were promised. Instead of the anticipated action and glory, it was nothing but monotonous marching and shifting orders.

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