Fort Gloni

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Disclaimer I do not own any of the characters from gate nor any of its bs its just Erdia and the concept of the nations within it

19th of Esvallia,1915
Major Manroe stared down the map of the fortress.

It had been atleast Sixteen days since the foreign armies invasion, and the promise by the army to relive them seems to grow far.

By now there own numbers had fallen to just 173, add that to there increasing shortage of ammunation.

Ever since the arrival of does damn wizards, there had been an increase in losses due to there cursed magic.

At this rate they wont be able to hold until the end of month.

One of his First liuetentants Jamir Marsh had been serverly wounded, the man had been him through hell when they were still cadets.

Now dead to does damned barberians, right now does said barberians were certainly trying to crack the fortifications with pickaxe.

Chipping away his and his mens sanity, sorounded they didnt have much chose left.

Just recently he had lost three more to there cursed wizards.

and more were sure to fall.

As he began to make his way to their firing slits, everything slowly went silent, darkness consuming him.

"Major!, wake up there attacking again" Shouted the unknown voice.

"Major!, we there he-"
the voice was suddenly cut by an ear peirsing sound.

that sudden boom woke him up, grabbing his revolver on his waist.

yet he couldn't find it, all he could see was the sounds of screaming battle cries and rifle clashes.

"For Charteria!"

He couldn't forget that, feeling as if dranged to that slaugther.

he continued too around slowly it came back.

That particular night, the Foriegn Army had been preparing for what seems to be there largest push.

And so, he gave a speech to his men about making it out alive, back to their families, homes, and their reasons for fighting.

After all, they had to hold onto hope.

Hope to live again and hope to return to their loved ones.

The foreign army sent its wizards, and they launched their cursed fireballs by the hundreds.

It covered the entire sky in bright orange, yet he knew Fort Gloni wouldn't fall to such.

Manroe prayed to God, though he doubted, hoping for just one miracle that he and his men would make it out.

Their battle cries rang throughout the fort, the waves of rage flooding in.

Little by little, they fell, until a moment of silence descended.

An ear-piercing explosion shattered and threw him.

He fired repeatedly, each shot dropping discplined soldiers like grains of rice in an endless field. Another shout from Private Looker signaled the inevitable.

The legionaries ran, yet all knew that it wasn't over; it was just the beginning.

The reverberating explosion shook the fortress to its core, yet it held firm.

Relentless fireballs slammed through its tested walls.

Yet it held, and so did her men.

They came again, waves after waves, an endless onslaught.

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