Calm Before the Storm

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Disclaimer I do not own any of the characters from gate nor any of its bs its just Erdia and the concept of the nations within it

(27th of Esvallia, 1915)

In his office, Marshal Abelia Von Frank sat in complete silence, reflecting on the recent meeting which had discussed the success of the counter offensive and Operation Alastair's Naval Phase.

During the meeting, there was also an inquiry into the identity and intentions of the foreign army, particularly the enigmatic Saderan forces.

Additionally, attention was drawn to the depleted Esliledian Troops, with a significant blow being the loss of most of the Gloni border Companies.

After minutes of discussion, it was decided to utilize the remnants of both Gloni Border companies along with the Ansver Border guards.

These forces were to be embedded with new equipment and agreements made with the crown.

One could say that the past days had been exceedingly active for the aging marshal.

Marshal Frank sighed in utter exhaustion, knowing he had to move forward despite his weariness. After all, he had to fulfill his part. Talks scheduled with Marshal Greysen Von Palmers would ensure a thorough scope of Operation Alastair.

Gathering the documents and papers, he left his office and headed towards his ride.

His guards saluted him, and he nodded back as he entered the Muclure 15.

His driver, Trevor Ose, inquired about their destination, to which the Marshal directed towards the Esliledian State railway.

And so, the Muclure 15 rumbled to life and began its journey through the City of Esliledia.

The Muclure slowly came to a stop in front of the Esliledian State Railway.

Disembarking from the vehicle, the Marshal was met by his guard detail's captain, Valke Marno.

With his detail they headed to Enter the train, he made his way to his cabin and finally settled into his seat.

The train's mighty roar echoed throughout the cabins as it slowly began to speed up.

The train sped through the countryside with haste, offering glimpses of the rural landscape of Esliledeo.

Continuing along its designated path, the train ventured through a forest.

Hours passed, with the continuous travel witnessed by the train's staff coming and going, including meal times.

As the journey progressed, the scenery shifted from rural landscapes to a sprawling city.

Closer to their destination, the marshal prepared himself for what lay ahead.

As the train finally came to a halt in Ansver, Marshal Frank stood up to disembark. He exited the train accompanied by his guard detail.

His captain, Marno, assured him that all was well, and they proceeded along their planned route.

As the muclure stopped to its destination, Marshal Franks's Guard Details moved to ensure safety meeting up with the General Staff.

Upon reaching their destination, the Muclure stopped, and Marshal Frank's guard detail swiftly moved to ensure safety, joining up with the General Staff's own guard detail.

Heading inside, the Marshal had an important meeting ahead. As he was led through the room, he soon arrived at Palmera's office.

As the soldier opened the office door, Marshal Frank entered, receiving a salute from the soldier as he did so.

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