31 - Prateek Gives Proposal Ideas to Ishaan

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The bus arrives at Bhosle Institute of Excellence, and everyone retrieves their luggage. Students depart from the premises, heading to their destinations—home, hostel, and respective residences. The college is off for the final-year students.

Ishaan has further classes, so he asks the driver to drop off THREE Bhosle ladies at their homes.

Durva sits next to the driver, while in the back seat, Anvi and Savi sit as the car departs for home.

For a moment, both Savi and Ishaan feel a void, knowing they won't be together for the rest of the day.

Ishaan goes to his cabin and checks his phone, where the memories of the past 1.5 days have been beautifully stored. He keeps zooming in on some pictures just to see Savi properly and smiles.

Checking his wristwatch, he then gets engaged in his work. Around 4 PM, he calls Prateek.

Prateek: "Wow, Ishaan Bhosle, you finally remembered you have one friend?"

Ishaan: "Was busy, yaar. Let's meet at the coffee shop; I have a lot to share."

Prateek: "Oh, so this isn't friend Ishaan but husband Ishaan who wants to meet?"

Ishaan: "Shut up! Reach the cafe in the next 10 minutes. Bye."


Ishaan and Prateek met in cafe and ordered their all-time favourite Hazelnut coffee

Ishaan: "Prateek, I need your advice on something important."

Prateek: "Sure, what's on your mind? Please don't start crying about your past, it is very boring."

Ishaan: "Ah, Noooo - It's about Savi. I've been feeling something... different for her lately."

Prateek: "Different how? Hope you don't need a psychiatrist", and laughs.

Ishaan pats on his back and says: "I can't stop thinking about her. It's like she's always on my mind, and I feel this warmth whenever I'm around her, you know what, the camp was a turning point it seems."

Prateek chuckles: "Oh Oh, My My! Sounds like you've developed feelings for her."

Ishaan: "But what if it's just a passing phase? What if she doesn't feel the same way? See our wedding was not some sort of either arranged by family or planned well by TWO of us, it was purely situational where we both knew the tentative END date"

Prateek: "You won't know unless you tell her. And if she's as important to you as you say, isn't it worth the risk?"

Ishaan: "I suppose you're right. But how do I even begin to tell her?"

Prateek: "Be honest and sincere. Tell her how you feel and why she's special to you. And remember, no matter what her response is, you'll have clarity and closure, or it could be the start of your real Love Story. Give her flowers and plan a musical pop night with her"

Ishaan punches him, "Don't be crazy, I myself is not sure if this will be a Popat or what. And dont give me these chapree ideas."

Prateek: "Anytime, buddy. Just follow your heart. And these are success formulae, not chapree ideas, a boring person like you wont ever understand. Well, do one thing, wake up her with a forehead kiss, and she will melt like anything"

Ishaan: "What nonsense! Do you want me to get punched in the face in the morning? How can I even think of touching her and that too kiss?"

Prateek: "So, have you thought about how you're going to tell her?"

Ishaan: "I haven't really figured that part out yet. I don't want to make it too complicated."

Prateek: "Keep it simple, then. Take her somewhere special, maybe a place that's meaningful to both of you and just speak from the heart."

Ishaan: "That sounds nice, but I'm not sure where we could go, I don't want to sound like a teenage lover boy, she is special and not like any random girl. So far, we have only met in classes, and obviously, I can't propose to her among other students"

Prateek coughs, "Bro you have already fallen harder, and decided to propose to her."

He teases him hard. And then thinks for a while and puts forward an idea, "What about your own cabin where you both will get "me-time"? It's quiet and personal, perfect for a heartfelt conversation."

Ishaan: "How stupid, that's my workplace, work is worship and the workplace is a temple.

Prateek: "And, Savi is a Devi, right now for you!"

Ishaan with an annoyed face, "No, come on, can't you think any better than this?"

Prateek furrows his brow, considering the unique dynamic between Ishaan and Savi.

Prateek: "Ah, I see. Well, in that case, we need to approach this differently. You want to propose to her, right?"

Ishaan nods, a mixture of nervousness and determination evident in his expression.

Ishaan: "I don't know, but I want to know what she feels about me, and wish to convey these special feelings to her. But I don't want to make her uncomfortable or jeopardize our professional relationship."

Prateek nods thoughtfully, understanding the delicate balance they must maintain.

Prateek: "Understood. How about a subtle yet meaningful gesture? Perhaps you could invite her for a casual meeting outside of the college environment, somewhere neutral yet significant."

Ishaan's eyes light up with intrigue.

Ishaan: "That could work. But where would be appropriate? I want it to be special without being too obvious."

Prateek taps his chin, pondering the possibilities.

Prateek: "What about the botanical garden outside the campus of Bhosle Institute of Excellence? It's serene and beautiful, and it offers a relaxed atmosphere conducive to heartfelt conversations. Take her for a walk and start walking your journey" and he winks mischievously.

Ishaan nods in agreement, impressed by Prateek's suggestion.

Ishaan: "Yes, that sounds perfect. It's not too formal, and it provides us with the privacy we need."

Prateek smiles, glad to see Ishaan's enthusiasm.

Prateek: "Great! And when you're there, take your time. Be sincere and genuine when expressing your feelings. Remember, the key is to make her feel comfortable and respected."

Ishaan takes a deep breath, feeling a surge of confidence.

Ishaan: "Thank you, Prateek. I feel much better about this now."

Prateek claps him on the back, offering words of encouragement.

Prateek: "You've got this, Ishaan. Just be yourself, and everything will fall into place."

With newfound determination, Ishaan sets out to plan his proposal, grateful for Prateek's guidance and support.

To be Continued... (Anvi and Savi's friendship)

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