33 - Harini Gains Temporary Consciousness

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Note: Looking at the BTS, I am adding this chapter in the middle, since I have some story in my mind related to the REAL TRUTH of Chavans' death. 

City Hospital - 5 AM

In the special ward of City Hospital, Harini's eyelids fluttered, her consciousness slowly returning after what felt like an eternity in the depths of unconsciousness. Her eyes blinked open, adjusting to the harsh light of the hospital room. Confusion clouded her mind as she tried to make sense of her surroundings. Everything seemed hazy and unfamiliar, like a dream she couldn't quite grasp.

With tremendous effort, Harini attempted to move, to speak, but her body felt heavy and unresponsive as if weighed down by invisible chains. Panic surged within her as she realized she was trapped, imprisoned within her own paralyzed form.

The only thing she recalled first was her request for Ishaan to marry Savi to safeguard her from Kiran's evil intentions. She remembered how Ishaan had been pleading for forgiveness, assuming he was the cause of Chavan's death.


Before she could say anything, she lost consciousness, hoping they were both married by now. Her heart started beating at almost double the rate. Her eyelids weren't supporting her to face the lights of the ward.

She closed her eyes and continued in her waves of thoughts. On that cruel night when Sam and his father captivated all of them, Ishaan Sir had come as a light in the dark to save them all, especially Savi from the clutches of Sam. He fought with them without any weapons and initially succeeded in driving them away.

The subsequent attack was more brutal, resulting in the blast when he nudged the bullet. They all fell unconscious, except for four people present there: herself, Vinu, Sam, and his father. They were attacked back, and one by one shot everyone with the remaining bullets. She somehow pretended to be dead, so they missed her.

"Poor Ishaan sir thinks that blast killed our family and he is in immense guilt. The only ones to be blamed are Sam Patil and his criminal Dad."

"I don't know what happened later, how Ishaan sir regained consciousness, how I ended up in Ramtek hospital, and how I got shifted to Pune hospital. I just hope my Savi is happily married to Ishaan Sir."

She slipped back into an almost unconscious state after recalling these series of life events that took place two months back.

A nurse entered the room, with the doctor arriving simultaneously. The doctor checked her pulse and BP, and said, "It's somewhat of a miracle. She is extremely weak but might regain consciousness by tomorrow morning. I am giving her a drip and injections. Please closely monitor this patient. We shall inform her family once our senior doctor also shares his diagnosis."

The nurse nodded in affirmation and administered the drip, pricking the injection.

To be continued... (Will Harini woke up or remain in a coma? Will the next day be normal for Ishvi and their proposal will flow?)

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