40 - Savi Receives Ishaan's Letter

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Savi arrives at the college accompanied by Shantanu Sir. She is adorned in a beautiful orange kurta, high heels, and minimal oxidized jewelry, resembling a cute fairy. As she passes by Ishaan's office, she notices him standing near the door.

Savi, still harboring resentment towards Ishaan for leaving her at Aai Baba's house, makes faces and calls out to her friends, Shashwat and Preeti.

Savi: "Let's head to the canteen, guys! I'm craving some strong chai and samosas. And tonight, we're definitely catching a movie. It's been ages since we've had some fun."

Ignoring Ishaan's presence, Savi leaves with her friends, leaving him feeling a pang of hurt in his heart. He worries about whether her anger will escalate upon reading the letter.


Later, Ishaan meets his Baba in the conference room and hands over some books to Shantanu for Savi. As Shantanu takes the books, Ishaan's eyes briefly flicker with a mixture of concern and apprehension.

Baba: "Is everything alright, Bala? You seem upset."

Ishaan attempts to downplay his emotions, his voice strained as he responds, "Nothing, Baba. Just some work to attend to. I'll be off."

Despite his efforts to appear composed, there's a vulnerability in Ishaan's demeanor that Shantanu can't help but notice. As Ishaan turns to leave, Shantanu's gaze lingers on him for a moment longer, a silent acknowledgment of the unspoken turmoil brewing beneath the surface.


Throughout the day, Ishaan anxiously watches the door, hoping for Savi's arrival, but she doesn't show up. After college hours, he spots her with her friends, ready to head to the movies. Feeling jealous and excluded, he clenches his fists in frustration.

Savi deliberately ignores Ishaan and sits beside Shashwat and Preeti in the auto. Kajal and Navya take their scooty, and the group heads to the multiplex.

After the movie and dinner, Savi returns to ISHANU's home and freshens up. Inside, she feels upset that Ishaan didn't follow her for the movie, as she had hoped. Her unspoken expectations lead to frustration. Finally, she sleeps with anger, disappointment, and frustration of Ishaan not following her to the multiplex.


The next morning, Isha Mam enters her room with a glass of milk and a bunch of books. Savi, still groggy from sleep, rubs her eyes and yawns as she sits up in bed.

Isha Mam: "Savi Bala, Good morning! Have some milk to recharge, and here are some books Ishu wanted you to have."

Savi, feeling a bit more awake now, smiles warmly at Isha Mam. "Thank you, Isha Mam, maazi Aai," she says, taking the glass of milk from her.

Isha Mam gently caresses Savi's head, her affectionate touch comforting Savi. With a tender smile, she hugs Savi before leaving the room.

Savi sips on the milk, feeling the warmth spreading through her body. She can't help but feel grateful for the caring gestures of Isha Mam, who always treats her like her own daughter. As she finishes her milk, she sets the glass aside and picks up the books, eager to see what Ishaan Sir has in store for her.

Savi checks the books: "Macro Economics," "Corporate Finance," "Environmental Economics," and "International Trade." As she does, one of the books slips from her hand, causing an envelope to fall out along with it.

Curious, Savi picks up the envelope, noticing it's labeled "Ramtek Truth." She hesitates for a moment before opening it, her expression changing with each word she reads.

To be Continued... (Savi reads letters and decides to confront Ishaan)

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