27 - Entangled Hearts of ISHVI

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Ishaan apologizes for Savi's behavior and hugs Surekha, reassuring her that she doesn't need to feel insecure. He held her hands and said, "Like how we have many relations in life like chacha, mama, masi, cousins and still we give due justice to all, similarly I will never step back from either of my motherly relationships."

Surekha forces a smile, but her heart still aches because her possessiveness doesn't even want to share Ishaan with his biological mom.

Ishaan and Savi go to college via cab and feel relieved to see his car in the parking lot.

They both get busy with their respective classes, assemblies, library work, and similar activities.


Shantanu comes to his cabin and meets him. Ishaan looked fresh and happy in his father's eyes.

He asks him, "Ishaan, hope all is well at home and new entangled life. The change must be difficult but I am proud of you and Savi coping with them. Beta, life is never easy and always gives surprises at each step. It's up to us how we choose to respond."

Ishaan looks at him and for the first time gets the perspective of a married man.

Shantanu reminds him that this is the best time to plan an excursion camp since three weeks later viva and all will start.

Ishaan thanks him, shows his laptop, and says," Yes Baba, I am already on it"


After finishing her classes, Savi goes to the library to gather past exam papers and additional reference materials.

Her friends join her; Kajal and Navya attempt to tease her, saying, "Savi, why do you even need to study these books? Your life is set. You're already the wife of Director Ishaan Bhosle."

Savi becomes annoyed and responds, "He is my husband, but don't I have my own identity too? My marital status may have changed, but my career goals haven't. I am still the same Savi who is on her way to becoming an IAS officer." She looks up proudly and smiles.

Shaswat said, "Savi how will you manage your studies at home now onwards? You have a big fat family, won't you be busy with them?"

Savi thinks of Ishaamam's proposal of staying there, "I have something planned, will see and let you know"

Preeti says, "We will also have an excursion camp this month, anytime soon. You might be needed in the excursion management as well."

Before Savi responds to her, Shuklaji comes and interferes with them, "Chauhan, Savi Madam, Ishaan Sir is calling you in his cabin."

As she stands up to move, her friends cheer and playfully tease her,

Navya calls out the exaggerated phrase, "Off to see the boss!"

Shaswat pats Navya and says, "Better not keep the hubby waiting!"

While exchanging knowing glances and chuckles, Savi quickly grabs her bag on the way out.


Savi knocked on the half-open door of Ishaan's cabin, he gave her a quick glance and signaled her to come in and sit on the chair next to him.

She comes, puts her bag on his table, pulls the chair, and sits on it.

Ishaan moves his laptop so that she can see the screen and starts explaining, "Every year, in April month, we arrange an excursion for final year's students. This year we are planning to do it next week itself, and if possible sooner than that."

Check the slides, I have jotted down ideas, places, project goals and learning outcomes. I need an expert opinion of our Cultural Committee Head on it.

Savi's eyes spark with excitement as she pulls her chair a little closer to his, her fingers tingling with anticipation as she eagerly starts to browse through the presentation. As they dive into discussions, their expressions become animated, their faces lighting up with enthusiasm as they use hand gestures to emphasize their points.

Where they had drowned in the flow of discussions with hand gestures, all of a sudden Savi's bangle gets entangled with Ishaan's rudraksh bracelet.

They exchanged amused glances, both trying to separate the entwined jewelry carefully to avoid breakage.

However, Savi had a pen in her hand with which she was trying to open the clasp of her bracelet, which in the process was making some random drawing on his hands.

Unbeknownst to her, the pen leaves a trail of random doodles on Ishaan's hand, causing him to suppress a chuckle at the unexpected ticklish sensation.

Due to the tickling sensation, Ishaan starts moving around, which makes Savi angry. "Sir, please sit quietly and don't move. I am trying hard to see the hole with the pen."

Ishaan jerks a bit. "Your pen is dancing on my wrist in the form of tickling, I can't control it further."

This was again a double-meaning dialogue for both of them, which made them quiet and look away from each other.

At last, Savi succeeds in opening the clasp and untangling the bracelets. But as they both look at his wrist, their eyes widen. The zigzag doodle art has turned out to be a heart shape.

Yes, Savi's heart is on Ishaan's wrist!

Savi feels extremely shy when she looks into his eyes, he loves her shyness and wishes to tease her a bit. He takes the pen from her hand and tries to make some random doodle on the heart drawn by her looking into her eyes, she looks down and sees he has drawn an arrow crossing over the heart.

The pin-drop silence in the cabin was echoing racing and entangled hearts of IshVI

To be Continued...(College excursion camp)

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