63 - Darkness Unleashed: ISHVI's Conflict

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One car took a U-turn and started heading towards them, the same shadows that had been following them emerging from the dark.

Where the threat was lurking upon ISHVI, somewhere far away, in a Vitthal Rukamni temple, the bells started ringing on their own due to the winds.


As the menacing figures approached, ISHVI exchanged a fearful glance, their hearts pounding with apprehension. The car screeched to a sudden halt, and two figures emerged from within, their faces obscured by black masks.

Under the cover of darkness, they launched into a physical altercation with Ishaan, catching him off guard with their swift and coordinated attack.

Savi's voice pierced the night, her anger palpable as she screamed, "How dare you? Who do you think you are? Let him go, do you even know he is a Director of BIE!"

One assailant seized Savi from behind, pinning her arms as she fell to the ground. With ruthless efficiency, he bound her hands and then her legs, rendering her helpless.

Meanwhile, Ishaan grappled with the other attacker, his fists flying as he demanded answers. "Who are you, and why are you after us?"

The assailant's response sent a chill down their spines, his voice dripping with malice. "I should have done this to you earlier," he sneered. "How dare you marry Savi?"

The familiarity of the voice sent a shiver of recognition through Ishaan, his mind racing to place it amidst the chaos of the confrontation.

With Savi immobilized on the ground, her struggles futile against the tight bindings, she locked eyes with Ishaan, her silent plea echoing in the darkness.

The assailants closed in, their masked faces betraying no hint of mercy. "You thought you could escape us, Ishaan Bhosle," one of them taunted, his voice dripping with contempt.

The other assailant, his voice a chilling echo of the first, chimed in, "But we've been watching you, waiting for the perfect moment to strike."

Ishaan's mind raced as he tried to place the voices, the pieces of a terrifying puzzle falling into place with sickening clarity. These were no ordinary thugs – they were connected to his past, to secrets buried deep and now clawing their way to the surface.

Desperation fueled his resolve as Ishaan fought back against his attackers, every blow driven by the need to protect Savi, to shield her from the darkness closing in around them.

He could successfully broke the leg of one attacker and he was unable to move then. He asks Savi to slide towards the car and help herself freed from ties.

Savi does it intelligently, but the other attacker is strong. He was giving tough times to Ishaan, in the fight, Ishaan removes the mask and sees his face in a thunderstorm.

He was none other than Kiran Sawant. Ishaan was shocked why was he behind him for marrying Savi?

Savi was equally shocked to see her Jiju (brother-in-law) among the attackers. Kiran's unexpected confession sent a chill down her spine.

Kiran's voice was filled with malice as he admitted, 'Harini was in a coma, and I had planned to take advantage of Savi's vulnerability. But then you, Ishaan, came along and ruined everything by marrying her. I won't let you live so I can claim your beautiful wife for myself.'

Ishaan's face flushed with anger at Kiran's menacing words. Without hesitation, he unleashed a barrage of punches, his fury driving each blow as he beat Kiran mercilessly. Meanwhile, Savi managed to unmask the other assailant, revealing him to be none other than Samrudh.

To be Continued...(ISHVI vs Kiran and Samrudh)

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