46 - ISHVI Reached Ramtek

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The excitement, curiosity, and surprise changed her jawlines and lip curves, She instinctively reached out, gripping Ishaan's shoulder, and breathlessly confirmed, "Please pinch me, I am not dreaming."

Ishaan responds by placing his hand on her thigh, offering reassurance, "Not at all." He stifles a yawn, adding, "Now it's high time, Madam. You've slept for 7 hours, and I've been driving constantly. I badly need some hot tea or coffee."

Savi's excitement is palpable as she almost jumps, exclaiming, "There's an excellent tea stall at the entrance of Ramtek. Ramu kaka makes kadak chai. Let's make a halt there."

As Ishaan and Savi's car slows to a stop near the quaint tea stall on the outskirts of Ramtek, they notice a few people already sipping tea from paper cups. The plastic tables and chairs, though not neatly arranged, are almost usable.

Stepping out of the car, the atmosphere is tinged with a mix of anticipation and solemnity. The sun hangs low in the sky, casting a warm golden glow over the surrounding countryside.

Savi warmly greets Ramu Kaka, "Kaka, two cups of kadak Savi special tea, please."

Ramu Kaka's face lights up upon seeing her, "Savi Bala, how are you? You never turned up in these past 2-3 months? Good to see you today." He glances at Ishaan, raising his brows in curiosity and thinks in his mind, "Who is this gentleman? I feel like I've seen him somewhere."

Savi introduces Ishaan, "Kaka, he is my husband, Ishaan Sir."

Ramu Kaka folds his hands in respect and gestures for them to sit. He quickly wipes down the chair with a cloth before serving fresh tea to both of them.

Expressing gratitude, Ishaan takes a seat and promptly sips his tea in one go.

During their tea session, Savi takes a moment to make a call to their neighbor, Auntie, requesting her to open their house and arrange for some basic cleaning.


After finishing their tea, Ishaan and Savi eagerly make their way to Savi's childhood home. Seeing the smile and excitement on her face brings a sense of happiness and contentment to Ishaan. He reflects, "At least I could do something right on her parents' death anniversary. Instead of simply joining her in mourning, I have the opportunity to help her revisit those memories in a cherished way."

Lost in her own thoughts of college, friends, family, and neighbors, Savi counts down each second, eager to reach her home. With each turn and road, she guides Ishaan with the precision of a GPS, her excitement palpable with every instruction to take a left, then a right, then go straight.


Finally, they reached the doors of her home, which were half left open by the servant after cleaning. Savi trembling hands with emotions takes Ishaan's hands in her own and leads him inside.

Savi's eyes fill with emotion as tears well up, a flood of memories rushing back to her mind. Though the house is vacant, it seems to echo with her name from every corner.

She gestures toward the Tulsi standing in the entrance and bows down her head, its leaves slightly dried up. She then points out Azooba's wooden swing, the first thing that catches her eye.

They walk hand in hand towards the large hall, where a small 4-seater dining table, four wooden chairs, and a teapoy stand are kept. That's the only furniture they had.

Savi can vividly imagine her Badi aaji and aaji sitting there on chairs and chopping vegetables. While her imagination stopped for a while on Vinu Dada sipping tea and Harini Tai serving him pakodas on the dining table.

As they move further into the house, Savi's grip on Ishaan's hand tightens. They enter her own room, a small 10x10 space with a bed in the center, a study table in the right corner, a single-door cupboard on the left, and a large photo of her parents placed above the study table.

Savi turns to Ishaan, tears shimmering in her eyes. "Ishaan Sir, this is my house, and this is my room. There are two more similar small rooms on the other hand where my Azooba and Ajji lived. My room was shared by me, Tai, and Vinu Dada. It's not as big as yours; we lived a very simple life with heavy financial constraints. But the one thing that kept me strong was the promise I made to my parents, that one day I would become an IAS officer. My aim when I reached Pune was the same: that one day I will reclaim their old house in Nagpur."

Ishaan gazes at her with deep emotion, love, and respect. "Savi! Your dream hasn't gone anywhere, but now it's not just yours; it's mine too." He kisses her hand gently and continues, "It's just the beginning. Let the exams come; you're going to ace them, and then nobody can stop you. I promise, the day you sit as an IAS officer in the Govt car with a red light on top, the first person to open and close the door of that car will be Dr. Ishaan Bhosle!"

They both bow down to her parents' picture, a silent acknowledgment of their presence and influence in their lives. Savi looks at him with gratitude and love, her heart filled with determination.

Ishaan, with a playful intention to lighten the mood, says, "Savi, I really loved your house. It reminds me of my Nana's home. My Aai also lived in Ramtek, and when I was a kid, I used to come here for summer vacations. But my memories are quite hazy as things took a drastic turn there."

He pauses, a soft smile playing on his lips. "But this cute home is indeed charming, and once I retire, I'd love to come and stay here with you, with our 4-5 kids playing in the front yard."

Savi playfully pinches him, "Come out of your dreams, Mr. Bhosle," and they both share a laughter-filled moment.

To be Continued... (Romance to bloom between IshVi)

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