12 - IshVi Lost in the Thoughts of Motherly Love

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IshVi completes all the pooja rituals and seeks the blessings of the elders. However, nobody willingly blesses them; it's all for show. Except for Asmita and Shikha, everyone wears fake smiles and offers insincere wishes.

Asmita leads Savi into the kitchen and feeds her prasad with her hands. "Savi, your grah pravesh and post-wedding rituals weren't conducted as they should have been, but I have accepted you wholeheartedly. You are like my third daughter." She takes off her finger ring and places it on Savi's hand. "I don't have anything to give you right now, but please accept this as a token of my love."

For the first time in a long while, Savi feels a motherly warmth and hugs Asmita. At that moment, she is briefly reminded of her mother, Aai Sai.

As Savi embraced Asmita, a flood of memories washed over her. She couldn't help but recall a tender moment with Aai Sai, her mother, who had always been her pillar of strength. Aai Sai's voice echoed in her mind, gentle and reassuring, urging her to be patient and resilient in the face of adversity. Savi drew comfort from this memory, finding solace in the wisdom imparted by her beloved mother.

"Thank you, Aunty," Savi whispered, her voice choked with emotion. "You have no idea how much this means to me."

Asmita smiled warmly, her eyes reflecting genuine affection. "You are family now, Savi. And family takes care of each other."

With a final pat on Savi's shoulder, Asmita gently ushered her towards the bedroom. "Now go and try on the lehenga. Let's make sure everything is perfect for the reception."

Savi smiles back and leaves the kitchen.

As there was no college for the day, she sat in her room and started reading. She was not at all interested in trying out lehenga or checking on matching accessories.

In between, she makes a video call and checks on her Tai, wishing her a speedy recovery.

Ishaan, on the other hand, considering this reception as a formality, did not bother about it and gave Savi the space she needed. He spent the rest of the day in the paperwork for their upcoming medical college. Meanwhile, Ishaan's mind raced with thoughts of the funds needed for upcoming medical college. Despite his attempts to focus on the task at hand, his mind kept drifting back to the enigmatic figures in the financial reports.

Something didn't add up, and he was determined to get to the bottom of it. As he sifted through the paperwork, a nagging sense of unease gnawed at him.

Could there be discrepancies that he had overlooked? Or was there something more sinister at play?

He thought of checking the audit reports once again. He took out the file and his eyes got stuck on the signature, "Signed and Approved by Dr Isha Bhosle"

The scene flashed before his eyes as he was about to hug her Aai on the stage, and he had received a call about Akkasaheb's heart attack.

For the first time, he confessed to himself that more than her Aai, it was him who craved that warm hug. Tears welled up in the corners of his eyes as he pondered why he was born unlucky to stay away from his mom for years on end.

He became lost in thoughts of how his Aai Baba would react to the news of their wedding.

His heart raced as he realized that today they would have boarded their return flight!

The clock ticks 10 PM! And it was about time to sleep. 

To be Continued...(Most awaited - a night of reception)

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