61 - Into the Night: A Journey of Shadows

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After the happiness and celebrations of the graduation results, as the days passed, Savi immersed herself in rigorous preparation for the UPSC prelims, staying at Isha Mam's home. With Ishaan's and her mother-in-law's unwavering support and encouragement, she tackled each subject with determination, fueled by her dream of becoming an IAS officer. The month flew by in a blur of study sessions, mock exams, and last-minute revisions. Finally, the day of the prelims arrived. With a mix of nerves and excitement, Savi entered the examination hall, ready to give her best. The hours ticked by slowly as she navigated through the challenging questions, drawing on the knowledge and skills she had honed over months of preparation.

After the grueling exam, Savi emerged feeling both relieved and apprehensive. She knew that the road ahead would be tough, with the main exam and interview still looming on the horizon. But for now, she allowed herself a moment of quiet celebration, grateful for the opportunity to pursue her dreams.


One fine evening, while sitting on the balcony of Ishanu home, Savi surprised Ishaan with an unexpected request.

Savi: "Ishaan, I've been thinking. How about a spontaneous trip to Lonavala?"

Ishaan looked up from his work, surprised by her suggestion but intrigued by the idea.

Ishaan: "Lonavala? That sounds amazing! But what brought this on all of a sudden?"

Savi smiled, a playful glint in her eyes.

Savi: "Well, we've both been working so hard lately, and I thought we could use a little break. Plus, Lonavala is supposed to be absolutely beautiful this time of year."

Ishaan considered her proposal for a moment, then nodded with a smile of his own.

Ishaan: "You know what? I think you're right. Let's do it! A spontaneous trip sounds like just what we need."

Despite the fatigue from the day's workload, Ishaan eagerly agreed, craving a break from the hustle and bustle of routine life.

With their decision made, they quickly made arrangements for their trip, packing their bags and setting off in their car towards the tranquil hills of Lonavala.

They set off in their car, the gentle patter of rain against the windshield adding to the soothing ambiance.

But as they ventured deeper into the winding roads of Lonavala, a sense of unease crept over Savi. She couldn't shake the feeling that they were being followed, a shadow lurking just beyond the reach of their headlights.

As they rounded a bend in the road, a sudden flash of lightning illuminated the sky, briefly casting the surrounding landscape in stark relief. In that split second, they caught a glimpse of headlights in the distance, trailing behind them like ominous eyes in the darkness.

Savi gasped in shock, her grip on the passenger seat tightening even further as Ishaan's car skidded on the wet pavement, lurching dangerously off course.

Savi: "Ishaan, look out!"

With a heart-stopping jolt, the car came to a sudden halt, teetering on the edge of a steep ravine. Savi and Ishaan sat in stunned silence, the echoes of their near-miss reverberating in the stillness of the night.

Ishaan: "That was close... Are you alright?"

Savi nodded, her breath coming in short, shaky gasps.

Savi: "Yeah... I think so. But what was that? Did you see that car following us?"

Ishaan shook his head, his expression grave.

Ishaan: "I didn't see anything. But whatever it was, it's gone now. Let's just focus on getting out of here."

Somehow, the car couldn't restart. Rain started pouring heavily as they navigated through the ghats, and the lack of streetlights only added to the darkness and sense of isolation. The ominous clouds and distant thunder rumbled, spreading chills and a sense of impending danger.

Feeling a sense of urgency, Ishaan turned to Savi.

Ishaan: "There's no other option. I have to step out and check the car. With no lights and this rain, it's risky. Could you help me by holding the torch we have in the seat pocket?"

Savi nodded, her heart pounding with anxiety. She reached for the torch and held it tightly as they both stepped out of the car, their senses heightened by the eerie silence of the night.

As they opened the hood of the car, the sound of rain intensified, masking any other noises that might have been lurking in the darkness.

To be Continued... (Ganja style same precap: rains, dark night, hills, car collision, looming threat of goons, and much more!)

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