64 - Shattered Illusions: The Tragic End of ISHVI or A New Start?

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Samrudh's smirk dripped with malice as he taunted Savi, 'The hunter has become the hunted.' He lunged at her, attempting to overpower her.

Reacting swiftly, Savi delivered a swift kick to Samrudh's groin, causing him to recoil in pain. However, his retaliation was swift and brutal as he grabbed Savi and struck her across the face.

As Samrudh and Kiran retaliated against Savi and Ishaan, the confrontation reached a fever pitch. Kiran landed a heavy blow on Ishaan, while Samrudh seized Savi, his grip tightening around her throat.

Gasping for breath, Savi struggled against Samrudh's vice-like hold. In a desperate bid for survival, she clawed at his hands, trying to break free.

Meanwhile, Ishaan, battered and bruised, fought against the onslaught of punches from Kiran. With each blow, his determination only seemed to grow stronger.

But amidst the chaos, tragedy struck. As the struggle intensified, Savi stumbled backward, losing her footing on the treacherous edge of the cliff. With a horrified cry, she plummeted downwards, her hands grasping desperately at the rocky ledge.

Ishaan's heart stopped as he watched his beloved wife teetering on the brink of oblivion. Without a second thought, he lunged forward, his instincts driving him to save her at any cost.

Racing against time, Ishaan reached out, his fingers brushing against Savi's trembling hands. With all his strength, he pulled her back from the edge, his heart pounding with fear and determination.

But in that fateful moment, the ground beneath them gave way, sending both Ishaan and Savi hurtling downwards into the abyss below.

Their screams echoed into the night, lost amidst the roar of the wind and the crashing waves below.

As they fell, their hands remained tightly clasped together, a symbol of their unwavering love and devotion in the face of unimaginable peril. And in that final, fleeting moment, they were united, bound together by fate as they descended into the unknown.

ISHVI fell off the cliff and could not be seen anymore from the place they fell off.

After throwing Ishaan and Savi off the cliff, the goons, Kiran and Samrudh, quickly realize the gravity of their actions and the potential consequences. With panic coursing through their veins, they hastily make their escape.

Frantically, they sprint back to their car, knowing that they must flee the scene before anyone discovers their involvement in the tragic incident.

With trembling hands, one of the goons, Samrudh, fumbles for the car keys, his heart racing as he struggles to unlock the vehicle. Finally, the engine roars to life, and they peel away from the cliff's edge with reckless abandon.

They made it look like an accident where the car was also thrown down.

When this horrible incident took place, the bells were still ringing in the Vithhal Rukmani temple. The priest was also surprised at what had happened that day. These rains are regular things but what is so special today which is not letting God sleep?



The Bhosles were shattered by the news of the car careening off the cliff, leaving behind a void that seemed impossible to fill. 

The hilly region was too dense that they could not catch hold of dead bodies in the perfect shape. They got two bodies but was almost impossible to identify them as they were half-eaten by animals.

After the last rites of those dead bodies, the garlands on Ishaan and Savi's picture were screaming sadness and loneliness.

Uncle Yashwant and Aunt Surekha, usually pillars of strength, crumbled under the weight of grief, their eyes glazed with unshed tears as they struggled to comprehend the magnitude of their loss.

In the corner of the dimly lit room, Ishaan's parents sat huddled together, their stoic facades crumbling in the face of tragedy. Their anguished cries echoed through the silent halls, each wail a piercing reminder of the agony that gripped their hearts.

Meanwhile, Ishaan's sisters, Durva and Anvi, clung to each other in shared sorrow, their tears flowing freely as they recalled happier times spent celebrating Raksha Bandhan with their beloved brother. The vibrant threads of their rakhi bracelets now lay discarded, symbols of a bond severed too soon.


The lives of Bhosles have taken a U-turn. Mr Marathe had cunningly taken over the majority of stakes in BIE and had dethroned Rao Saheb and Nishikant from their positions. They were just employees and puppets of him.

All this was possible due to their son, Chinmay who had returned from the USA just to take revenge.

Chinmay and Shikha were divorced and Shikha was living and working at an NGO in a nearby village.

Durva was just doing timepass and Anvi had opted for master's degree studies.

Surekha was in grief at losing her both sons, one physically and one morally.

Nishikant and Asmita were living their lives as usual, under the orders of Surekha and Yashwant Rao.

Their house was also acquired by Chinmay and they had shifted to their old house where ISHANU used to live.

Harini had survived from the coma and was now living with Isha and Shantanu at Ramtek as their adopted daughter.

NOBODY knew about SAM and KIRAN and their involvement in that tragic incident!


In a serene, sun-drenched town nestled amidst the lush fields of Gujarat, a five-year-old girl with lively, bouncing curls runs across the sunlit meadows.

Her laughter echoes through the air as she races toward her father, who is diligently tending to the crops in the sprawling green fields.

She runs towards her father and excitedly exclaims, 'Papa, that person has regained consciousness. Please come and check.'

READERS' NOTE: This is an open-ended conclusion for now! As the story continues to unfold, feel free to drop your notes and thoughts in the comments box. Would you like to read the continuation, or would you love to cherish their journey spread across 64 episodes until now?

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⏰ Last updated: May 17 ⏰

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