39 - Ishaan Decides To Disclose Ramtek Truth

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Ishaan decides to reveal the burdensome truth of Ramtek to Savi before he goes into any further development or commitment towards her. However, he wants the foundation of their relationship to be built on truth and trust. 

He had a craving for Savi's company for life long and did not want to lose her at any cost, after all, she was the only lady figure who could touch his soul after his Aai. The rest of the world was a delusion for him.

With a firm determination, he takes out the diary and starts penning down his burden:


Before we take any further steps in our relationship, it's crucial that you comprehend the full truth underlying our bond. While you've been privy to some aspects, there's a significant portion that has remained concealed—a truth heavy with implications.

In Ramtek, when Sam abducted your family, I was there, trying to save them. I could have succeeded, whisking them away before you arrived, adorned in bridal attire, to a fate none of us desired. I couldn't bear to witness you marrying that criminal, who still poses a threat to your family and ambitions.

Fate, however, had its own plans. A bullet aimed at me was deflected in a split-second maneuver, setting off the explosion that engulfed the area. Your family, unbeknownst to me, sought refuge behind those cans of paint. I never anticipated the presence of explosives in what appeared to be a defunct paint factory.

The chaos that ensued is a blur in my memory; all I knew upon regaining consciousness was that your family lay wounded, fighting for their lives.

In the Pune hospital, I confided in Harini Tai about the incident, expressing my desire to disclose it to you as soon as possible. Yet, she implored me to keep it hidden, insisting it was the only path to peace and normalcy in our lives. Instead,...

Harini Tai sought me out, extracting a promise from both of us to marry. She told me that if she couldn't survive, Savi would be all alone in this cruel world. She won't be able to sustain her life, and if I marry you, you will surely be with me. But Tai could also find solace in the thought that Savi is in safe hands. I was clueless but I just followed my heart.

But believe me, Savi, every decision I've made has been guided by my desire for your well-being. I've always aimed to better your circumstances, ensuring you receive the best you deserve.

Though I can't rewrite the past or resurrect your loved ones, I'm dedicated to supporting you in any way I can.

As our bond has deepened in recent days, I've come to recognize and reciprocate the depth of your feelings for me. It would be unjust and dishonest to proceed without laying this truth bare before you. I'm prepared to face any consequences stemming from this revelation, finding solace in the release of this burden.

If you see a criminal in me, I'm prepared to face arrest. If you see a husband, I am ALL YOURS.

I have always wished GOOD for you, trying to do BETTER so you can get the BEST of what you deserve

Yours sincerely,


Ishaan folded this letter and sealed it in an envelope labeled with "Ramtek Truth", and put it under the books that he was about to hand over Savi, the next day morning.

To be Continued... (Savi finds an envelope in her books and unseals it, takes out the letter, and raises her brows while reading it)

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