37 - Ishaan Regrets Avoiding Savi

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As soon as Savi leaves, Ishaan finds himself consumed by a deep sense of regret. Alone in his cabin, he replayed the events of the last night over and over again in his mind, each passing moment only serving to intensify his feelings of remorse.

In his private space, Ishaan rests his back in the armchair and holds a book in hand but his mind elsewhere. The image of Savi, wrapped in nothing but a towel, filled his thoughts, stirring a longing within him that he struggled to suppress.

"Savi is my wife, my partner, and my student," Ishaan reflected quietly, his words echoing in the silence of his room. "But there is something between us, something powerful and undeniable. That kiss... it was a manifestation of the feelings that have been simmering beneath the surface. Yet, I must be cautious. I cannot let my emotions cloud my judgment, especially with her exams approaching. And, she also needs to know the real reason why we got married, before I can take any step further in this relationship."

"But, why did I push her away?" Ishaan muttered to himself, his voice heavy with self-reproach. "I should have talked to her, faced her like a husband should. But instead, I let fear and uncertainty dictate my actions."

His heart was heavy with the weight of missed opportunities, and Ishaan couldn't shake the feeling that he had made a grave mistake.

The thought of Savi standing alone in the hallway, her pleas for connection falling on deaf ears, filled him with a profound sense of sadness.

With a heavy sigh, Ishaan rose from his chair and made his way to the door, his steps slow and hesitant. As he reached out to open it, his hand paused, hovering inches away from the handle, his mind flooded with indecision.

Outside the cabin, Savi's footsteps echoed softly in the corridor as she made her way to the exit. Her heart ached with disappointment at Ishaan's cold response, the weight of his silence pressing down on her like a heavy burden.

Unable to bear the pain of rejection any longer, Savi resolved to put some distance between them, if only to shield herself from further heartache.

Back inside the cabin, Ishaan's hand fell limply to his side as he listened to the sound of Savi's retreating footsteps. A wave of regret washed over him, followed by a deep sense of longing for the connection they had shared just hours before.

"I've made a terrible mistake," Ishaan whispered to himself, his voice barely above a whisper. "I let my fear and pride get in the way of what truly matters. But it's not too late. I can still make things right."

Ishaan decides to meet Savi and apologize to her.


Rao Saheb and Nishi are in the cabin talking about their upcoming project and funding issues. The investors were laying tough conditions which they did not wish to agree upon and on the other hand, they felt their hands were tied.

During their meeting, an email notification pops up in their inbox.

The email is from the Board of Education. Rao Saheb hurriedly opens it. The email from the Board of Education brings unexpected news. Rao Saheb's eyes widen as he reads through the message, his expression shifting from confusion to excitement.

Nishi notices the change in Rao Saheb's demeanor and leans forward, curiosity piqued. "What is it, Rao Saheb? What does the email say?"

With a grin spreading across his face, Rao Saheb looks up from the screen. "It's incredible, Nishi! The Board of Education has approved our project proposal for funding. Not only that, but they've also offered additional resources and support to ensure its success."

As Rao Saheb and Nishi delve deeper into the details of the email, they come across an intriguing revelation buried within the message. Alongside the approval of their project, there's a cryptic mention of a new board member being appointed, someone who will oversee the financial aspects of the initiative.

Both get thoughtful! Little do they know, the arrival of the new board member is just the beginning of a journey filled with twists, turns, and unexpected revelations that will test their resolve like never before.

To be Continued... (Angry Savi leaves home to avoid Ishaan)

Note for Readers: I am ready with the content for the next THREE episodes, do you guys like to see the love confession of IshVi and then proceed with the multiple tracks, one being important - IAS! Or do you guys prefer angst and separation before love confession? 

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