56 - Tender Beginnings: Morning Encounters

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The two souls became one as they consummated their wedding, feeling complete and satisfied in each other's embrace. Throughout the night, they held onto each other tightly, unwilling to let go.

The next morning, Savi opened her eyes with a light smile on her lips. She shifted slightly and saw her husband sleeping beside her, his arms wrapped around her chest. Gazing at him with love and affection, she kissed his forehead and gently removed his hands from her chest which was slightly reddish after the intimate act.

Reflecting on the night they had shared, Savi felt a blush of pride color her cheeks. She wanted to get up, so she wrapped herself in a sheet, gathered her clothes, and made her way to the bathroom.

Within a few minutes, Ishaan gradually emerged from his slumber, and the events of the previous night slowly trickled back into his consciousness. Rubbing the sleep from his eyes, he cast a glance toward the bed, expecting to find Savi still nestled beside him.

However, as his gaze fell upon the sheets, his heart skipped a beat. Bloodstains marred the pristine fabric, stark against the soft hues of the bed linen. Instantly, a knot of concern tightened in his stomach, his mind racing with worry.

But then, a flicker of realization dawned upon him. Slowly, the pieces fell into place, and he remembered the intimacy they had shared the night before. The bloodstains were a natural consequence, a testament to their union.

He gets up and takes his t-shirt, wrapping a towel around himself until he finds his track pants to put on.

He yawns slightly, combs his hair with his fingers, and looks around to search for Savi. He listens to the sound of the water tap and understands that she has gone for a bath. He knocks the door and teases, "Do you need any help? I am available"

She screams from inside, 'Enough, Mr. Bhosle! I am still tired and don't have the energy left after your multiple sessions last night"

Both blush and laugh, one inside the door and another outside the door!


After freshening up in Baba's room, Ishaan made his way to the kitchen to prepare tea/coffee and toast the bread. With care, he arranged the dining table, drawing back the curtains to welcome the warm rays of the morning sun. Stepping onto the veranda, he retrieved the newspaper and milk bag, part of their daily routine. After storing the milk in the fridge, he settled at the dining table, engrossing himself in the morning news while awaiting his wife's company.

Meanwhile, Savi, now a woman in her own right, adorned herself in a delicate baby pink kurta and white pants, her hair still damp from the shower. With meticulous precision, she filled her hairline and adorned her face with a small bindi, a symbol of her married status. As she adjusted her Mangalsutra, her gaze fell upon the hickies adorning her neck, prompting a moment of concern. "Oh God, How to hide these? Till how long it will stay? These are too many"

She immediately takes out the scarf and covers it all before joining Ishaan at the table.

When she reached the dining table, their eyes met for the first time since their night of intimacy, each gaze filled with love, affection, desire, and a hint of bashfulness.

Taking his hand, Savi led Ishaan to the small temple nestled in a corner of the room. Lighting a diya, they bowed in reverence, seeking blessings for their new journey together. Offering him prasad, Savi greeted him with a tender "Good morning, Pati dev."

Ishaan, in turn, fed her half of the prasad before indulging in the remainder himself, playfully referring to her as his "Very good morning sexy biwi."

Amused, Savi gently chided him, mindful of their sacred surroundings. "Shut up, we are in front of God."

With smiles on their faces, they returned to the dining table, sharing breakfast and stolen glances filled with affection.

To break the ice of shyness and awkwardness, Ishaan starts, " Savi, the next month you have UPSC prelims, then final exams a few weeks later. I am sure, you will nail it, but don't move a bit from your end goal."

She while enjoying toast, "Ok Patidev, how can be a man so boring after such a romantic night."

Ishaan pulls her closer, "Your energy is amazing, I never knew" and winks.

She laughs and continues to tease him.

Both having playful teasing, start their day.

To be Continued...(IshVi welcomes ISHANU)

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